Pokaż wiadomości

Ta sekcja pozwala Ci zobaczyć wszystkie wiadomości wysłane przez tego użytkownika. Zwróć uwagę, że możesz widzieć tylko wiadomości wysłane w działach do których masz aktualnie dostęp.

Pokaż wątki - TooS

Strony: [1] 2 3
Geisha House / Emperor Edition - legality checklist.
« dnia: 2012-04-02, 22:15 »

Korci mnie powrót do zabawy (chociaż nie ma z kim :( ), ale najpierw wypadałoby przejrzeć to co się ma, więc tu moje pytanie, bo nie mogę znaleźć.

Jest gdzieś lista wszystkich legalnych kart w EE ?? Ślepy jestem i moje google-fu jest za słabe.

Dzięki za info i pozdro dla wszystkich.

Path of the Destroyer / [PotD] The Fire Answers
« dnia: 2009-08-05, 00:35 »

wg gisei toshi jest 3ch alchemistow, ciezko ocenic

Path of the Destroyer / [PotD] Asako Hoshimi
« dnia: 2009-08-05, 00:34 »

chyba solidny shugas boxowy, kombi sie z drugim prevem



There will not be a pre-release for The Path of The Destroyer expansion. Between the release of Celestial Edition, The Summer Shows, a new print partner, and the Imperial Gift we have determined it would be best to do a standard release for this set.

We have included a release day promo pack in Level 1 Stronghold stores that shipped out July 23."

GenCon / GenCon 2009 - Side Events
« dnia: 2009-07-21, 13:42 »

GenCon 2009, Thursday Sealed Deck: The Duel
In Rokugan, when disagreements of a serious nature cannot be resolved in any other manner, the sacred art of iaijutsu is employed to settle once and for all whatever has come between two members of the samurai caste. The two finalists of this event will each select one non-experienced, non-unique personality of the clan they are playing (subject to approval from the Story Team). These two personalities will engage in a duel, either to first blood or to the death (as determined by the finalists). The winner of the tournament will see his candidate emerge from the duel victorious.

GenCon 2009, Friday Sealed Deck: Imperial Yojimbo III

Traditionally it falls to the Seppun family to provide yojimbo and guardsmen to protect the most important individuals in the Empire, namely the Empress, her family, the Imperial families, and the Emperor?s Chosen. In many cases, however, such powerful individuals enjoy choosing their own chief yojimbo, many of whom are often taken from the ranks of the Great Clans. The winner of this tournament will select one non-experienced, non-unique personality from their clan. This individual will be chosen by the Imperial Advisor to serve as his chief yojimbo.

GenCon 2009, Sunday Second Chance: The Imperial Legion
In the aftermath of the War of Dark Fire, the Fourth and Sixth Imperial Legions are without commanders following the heroic deaths of Hida Tonoji and Shosuro Naname in glorious service to the Empress on the field of battle. With the service of the Imperial Legions falling between the Shogun and the Emerald Champion, each has been granted leave to select a samurai of their choosing to take over command of one legion. The finalists of this tournament will each name the new commander of one legion, either by selecting a non-experienced, non-unique personality aligned with their clan, or by supplying the name of a new character aligned with their clan that will be printed at a later date. The winner of the tournament may choose whether his new commander is appointed by the Shogun or by the Emerald Champion.

Calkiem przyjemne resulty tych eventow. Ciekawy bedzie pick z Second Chancea - kto bedzie ziomalem Jimena.

Witojcie wacpany i wacpanny.

29.06.2009, poniedzialek.

Dla wielu ten dzien oznaczal koniec, dla wielu poczatek, a dla innych to byl poprostu kolejny dzien w pracy.

Tego dnia, w godzinach wczesnorannych czasu polskiego,a wczesnonocnych czasu USA, zakonczyla sie pewna era. Era Samurai Edition w Legend of the Five Rings.

Zakonczyl sie oficjalnie ostatni turniej w tej edycji, odbywajacy sie w Sacramento, California.

Samurai Edition, dla jednych, cos wspanialego, dla innych totalny shit. Z zalozenia swoimi uproszczonymi zasadami (w porownaniu do poprzednich) miala przyciagnac nowych graczy, co jej sie udalo (jak ktos nie wierzy jestem tego zywym, 150kg przykladem :P). Wyjadaczy wkurzala banalnosc, i wlasnie to uproszczenie. Nie mozna miec wszystkiego.

Samurai Edition, zaczynajaca sie wielkim Megagamem ktory trwal przez jej polowe (oraz polowe ?? poprzedniej edycji). Megagamem ktory wylonil nowego wladce Rokuganu oraz jego "rzad". Zdecydowana wiekszosc uwazala, ze byla to dobra inicjatywa, choc miala pare uchybien. Zdobywanie punktow, kibicowanie swoim bo grali "o cos", emocje. Radosc po zwyciestwie, smutek po porazce, whineowanie ze "oszukisci nas oszukali". Krew, pot i lzy. A wszystko to w przeciagu roku. Kotei Season 2008, na ktorym liczylo sie nie tylko zwyciestwo militarne i polityczne lecz takze gra fair play oraz checi do przebywania duzych odleglosci aby reprezentowac swoj klan. Jeszcze wiecej krwi, potu i lez. A to wszystko zwienczone wielkimi Samurai Championships. Rozmach wielki, ale troche sil zabraklo zeby to wszystko ogarnac.

Edycja przyniosla rowniez wiele radosci nam, Polakom. A to za sprawa naszego rodaka o wdziecznym pseudo Kakita Aoshi (nawet nie wiecie jak trudno sie to wymawia Krabowi). Mistrz swiata, czlowiek ktory zrobil decka, ktory wg wielu nie powinien dzialac. A jednak ... Dziekujemy.

I teraz dochodzimy do roku 2009.

Kotei Season 2009. Od jego wynikow zalezy, kto i w jaki sposob obronil Rokugan przed najazdem zlych i mrocznych (choc rozswietlajacych noc) Plonocych Ludzi. Wojna Mrocznego Ognia szerzy sie w cesarstwie.

Mialem przyjemnosc ciotowac przy klawiszu F5 abyscie mieli z niego jak najszybciej wiadomosci. Dla wielu wyniki swiadcza o tym, ze jednak ta gra potrafi byc broken. A nawet i niektorzy gracze.

Teraz troche cyferkow itp.

Kotei Season 2009 Summary by TooS

Liczba turniejow: 53

     a) Europa - 16
     b) Ameryka Polnocna - 28
     c) Ameryka Srodkowa i Poludniowa - 4
     d) Pacific Rim - 5

Liczba zwyciestw Militarnych:

Crab - 7
Crane - 6
Mantis - 1
Spider - 1
Lion - 5
Phoenix - 3
Scorpion - 7
Unicorn - 17
Dragon - 4
Shadowlands Horde - 2

Liczba zwyciestw Politicznych:

Spider - 9
Scorpion - 10
Dragon - 4
Phoenix - 5
Lion - 5
Crane - 7
Mantis - 4
Unicorn - 3
Crab - 3
Hare - 2
Shadowlands - 1

Case Kiyonaga - jedni powiedza ze bandwagoner, inni, ze koles ogarnia to wszystko. I z tymi sie zgodze. Lacznie 11 kotei winow, z czego 7 badz 8 (nie pamietam juz) w tym sezonie !! I to nie tylko Unicornami, z czego jest znany najbardziej, ale tez Lwami, Krabami (chyba nie w tym sezonie) i Spiderami. Nowy czampion tzw Ironman Event czyli 2ch Koteiow w Kanadzie, kazdy dzien po dniu. Wygral oba, kazdy innym klanem. Chylmy czola, bo to co ten czlowiek wyczynia jest, ze sie tak brzydko wyraze, niedowyjebania.

Jak widac Unicorny zostawily w tyle cala reszte klanow majac 32,1 % zwyciestw w calym sezonie (prawie jedna trzecia wszystkich turniejow !!), co powoduje wiele rabanu, jak to ten klan nie jest przegiety itp (i moim zdaniem po czesci to jest prawda - najbardziej uzyteczny keyword na postaciach z duzym F i dobrymi zdolnosciami potrafi cos namieszac - moze nie w 100% ale zawsze). Oprocz Zajecy, kazdy inny klan wywalczyl przynajmniej jedno zwyciestwo. Zaskakuje postawa Shadowlandow, ktore pod koniec edycji byly frakcja bardzo niebezpieczna. Sezon 2008 byl troche bardziej wyrownany, ale rowniez byla widoczna dominacja 3ch klanow (w tym Unicornow).

W polityce dominacje wywalczyly 2 klany - Skorpiony, ktore zgaraniaja to regularnie i Spidery, ktore dzieki swojemu playerbase'owi potrafily zapewnic sobie 2gie miejsce. Ale w wiekszosci przypadkow nie liczylo sie ktory klan wygra, gdyz prawdziwymi zwiezcami byli ludzie ktorzy otrzymali jedzenie (czesc political eventow to byl fooddrive). Bardzo interesujace jest tez polityczne zwyciestwo Zajecy i Shadowlandow.

W wyniku Sezonu powstala seria fikcji obrazujaca zwyciestwa klanow w poszczegolnych sferach: War of Dark Fire:

Czesc pierwsza
Czesc druga
Czesc trzecia
Czesc czwarta
Czesc piata
Czesc szosta
Czesc siodma
Czesc osma
Czesc dziewiata
Czesc dziesiata
Czesc jedenasta
Czesc dwunasta
Czesc trzynasta
Czesc czternasta
Czesc pietnasta
Czesc szesnasta

Oprocz zwyciest uwiecznionych w fikcjach, gracze pomogli swoim braciom klanowym dzieki wygraniu kart, ktore zostana stworzone. Akutalnie jest to zarys tych kart, wszystko sie moze zmienic, ale wygladaja obiecujaco. Wiekszosc z nich jest podana na koncu fikcji do ktorych linki sa zamieszczone wyzej.

I w ten oto sposob Kotei Season 2009, ale takze i cala Samurai Edition dobiega konca.

Z dniem 29.06.2009 do sklepow wchodzi juz, a przynajmniej powinna, nowa edycja - Celestial Edition, a z nia pojawi sie niedlugo Imperial Gift 2. W pazdzierniku rusza nowa edycja Megagame'u. Miejmy nadzieje, ze nasze kochane AEG wezmie przyklad z komentarzy swoich konsumentow i bedzie fajnie.

Ale o tym juz w nastepnym odcinku ...

PS - Dziekuje AEG za ta gre, mojej gdynskiej playgroupie za to, ze nie ma grania :P, Sejmitarowi, Drozdzowi oraz calej reszcie GTW za prowadzenie Chikan Gatsu oraz organizacje polskiego Koteia (chociaz mnie nie bylo, ale whtvr), zacnemu gronu postowaczy z tego forum, SAPoDowi za poprawe humoru niekiedy, wszystkim z ktorymi tradowalem, a takze pani z Zabki, ktora ratowala mnie w ciezkich chwilach sprzedajac papierosy i piwo.

Do zobaczenia w CE !!!


PS 2 (k.urwa 2h to pisalem, teraz czekam na papu)

Kotei season 2009 / Kotei Weekend 27-28 Czerwiec
« dnia: 2009-06-27, 11:58 »
No to czas rozpoczac ostatni weekend z koteiami w tym roku.

Zostaly 2 turnieje - jeden w stanach, drugi w ooo puerto ricoooo ...

Wszystkie info za posrednictwem forum AEG

Final Round, FIGHT !!!

Kotei: Sacramento, CA

Military Location TBD, Political In the Courts.

61 players, composed of:

6 Crab
8 Crane
7 Dragon
5 Lion
5 Mantis
6 Phoenix
5 Scorpion
5 Spider
11 Unicorn
4 Shadowlands

Top 8 is
Ryan Chiriboga UN vs Brandon Snyder LN,
Phillip Koop CN vs Alex Jorgensen MN,
Greg Wong DG vs Case Kiyonaga LN,
Gary Seals UN vs Marcos Tunes PX

Top 4

Ryan Chiriboga - Phillip Koop
Greg Wong - Gary Seals

Top 2

Ryan Chiriboga vs Greg Wong

Military Winner: Greg Wong - Dragon
Political Winner: Amanda Lau - Crane

Kotei: Carolina, Puerto Rico

Location: To be Determined
After countless battles, engagements, skirmishes and losses, the Army of Fire has finally traversed the difficult terrain in the northern third of Rokugan and emerged into the Empire proper. Now, however, the mountains cannot shield them, and while the Dragon, Unicorn, and Phoenix armies as well as the Imperial Legions are battered and exhausted from the fighting, the Army of Fire now faces the full, unbridled power of teh united armies of the Great Clans. Heroes will die, and legends will be born. The final battle of the Northern War has come.

Location: The Imperial Court
As the final battle looms, the Imperial Court gathers to discuss the unprecedented nature of teh war, and what it could mean if the inevitable occurs on th field of battle. With uncertainty and tension thick in the air, one among the attendants steps forward to propose a course of action to the Divine Empress, one that shocks and intrigues all in attendance.

Crab Clan: 3
Rosario , Ivan
Bonano , Milton
Maldonado , Samuel

Crane Clan: 2
Castillo , Alexis
Rodriguez , Jorge

Dragon Clan: 0

Lion Clan: 2
Roman , Edgar
Rodriguez , Norman

Mantis Clan: 0

Phoenix Clan: 2
Kennedy , Kevin
Rolon , Luarie

Scorpion Clan: 1
Rodriguez , Jorge

Spider Clan: 0

Unicorn Clan: 3
Cuevas , Luis
Sanchez , Juan
Antonacopoulos , Peter

Shadowlands: 0

Hare Clan: 0

Total 13

Top 4:

Unicorn vs. Unicorn
Crab vs. Phoenix

Scorpion won Political.

Top 2

Unicorn vs Phoenix

Phoenix wins in 2

Military Winner: Kevin Kennedy - Phoenix
Political Winner: Scorpion


Kotei Military Summary: (jak tylko jakis kotei sie skonczy to tu uzupelniam wiec jest to aktualne)

Crab - 7
Crane - 6
Mantis - 1
Spider - 1
Lion - 5
Phoenix - 3
Scorpion - 7
Unicorn - 17
Dragon - 4
Shadowlands Horde - 2

Kotei Political Summary:

Spider - 9
Scorpion - 10
Dragon - 4
Phoenix - 5
Lion - 5
Crane - 7
Mantis - 4
Unicorn - 3
Crab - 3
Hare - 2
Shadowlands - 1

Kotei season 2009 / Kotei Weekend 20-21 Czerwiec
« dnia: 2009-06-20, 13:22 »
Tamtadadam !!!

Przedostatni Kotei w tym sezonie, u naszych zachodnich sąsiadów. Niestety z przyczyn finansowych jestem zmuszony robić update'ty ja, a nie kto inny.

No cóż wielke UTZ !!! dla Naszych !!! Let the rockoff begin !!!

Kotei: Nuernberg, Germany

Storyline: Military
Location: To Be Determined

After countless battles, engagements, skirmishes and losses, the Army of Fire has finally traversed the difficult terrain in the northern third of Rokugan and emerged into the Empire proper. Now, however, the mountains cannot shield them, and while the Dragon, Unicorn, and Phoenix armies as well as the Imperial Legions are battered and exhausted from the fighting, the Army of Fire now faces the full, unbridled power of the united armies of the Great Clans. Heroes will die, and legends will be born. The final battle of the Northern War has come.

Storyline: Political
Location: The Imperial Court

As the final battle looms, the Imperial Court gathers to discuss the unprecedented nature of the war, and what it could mean if the inevitable occurs on the field of battle. With uncertainty and tension thick in the air, one among the attendants steps forward to propose a course of action to the Divine Empress, one that shocks and intrigues all in attendance?


76 players

Crab 10
Crane 7
Dragon 8
Lion 7
Mantis 7
Phoenix 7
Scorpion 10
Shadowlands 5
Spider 7
Unicorn 8


1 Beckmann, Alexander, Unicorn
2 Endres, Christian, Dragon
3 Finger, Marcus, Scorpion
4 Rißen, Thomas, Spider
5 Schnetgöke, Torsten, Scorpion
6 Ritter, Hendrik, Spider
7 Wozniak, Wiktor, Scorpion
8 Deichl, Ysarion, Crane

Sorry for the delay, ale Sobota.

Alexander Beckmann (Unicorn) vs. Ysarion Deichl (Crane)

Torsten Schnetgöke (Scorpion) vs. Thomas Rißen (Spider)

Marcus Finger (Scorpion) vs. Hendrik Ritter (Spider)

Wiktor Wozniak (Scorpion) vs. Christian Endres (Dragon)

Top 4

Ysarion Deichl (Crane) vs. Torsten Schnetgöke (Scorpion)

Markus Finger (Scorpion) vs. Christian Endres (Dragon)

Final Standings:

1. Marcus Finger (Scorpion)

2. Torsten Schnetgöke (Scorpion)

3. Christian Endres (Dragon)

4. Ysarion Deichl (Crane)

Military Winner: Marcus Finger (Scorpion)
Political Winner: Salman Barakat (Crab)


Kotei Military Summary: (jak tylko jakis kotei sie skonczy to tu uzupelniam wiec jest to aktualne)

Crab - 7
Crane - 6
Mantis - 1
Spider - 1
Lion - 5
Phoenix - 2
Scorpion - 7
Unicorn - 17
Dragon - 3
Shadowlands Horde - 2

Kotei Political Summary:

Spider - 9
Scorpion - 9
Dragon - 4
Phoenix - 5
Lion - 5
Crane - 6
Mantis - 4
Unicorn - 3
Crab - 3
Hare - 2
Shadowlands - 1

Kotei season 2009 / Kotei Weekend 13-14 Czerwiec
« dnia: 2009-06-13, 18:21 »
Kotei: Chicago, Illinois

Spider - 7
Unicorn - 7
Shadowlands - 6
Crab - 10
Phoenix - 13
Lion - 13
Dragon - 13
Scorpion - 7
Mantis - 4
Crane - 15

Today in Chicago we are fighting for: TOI KOKU

Storyline: Military
Location: Sinjutsu Province, Dragon lands

Small, but immensely valuable, Toi Koku is a center of trade and food storage for the Dragon Clan. As such, the supplies found there are far in excess of what might be expected for the village's small size, and the Army of Fire is filled with legions of men who eat. The village is a prime target, but the clans have laid a deadly trap, a trap hinging upon the success of a single samurai in an almost suicidal gambit...

Storyline: Political
Location: The Imperial Court

Due to a fluke in its annual circuit, the famous Mikado, a completely mobile tea house well known throughout the Empire for its incredible food, is located in Toi Koku at the time of the battle. Fearing the loss of yet another treasure of the Empire, one clan rapidly moves in forces to secure and evacuate it as well as as many Dragon citizens and supplies as possible, securing them against capture before the enemy arrives.

Players for T8

Chris Fuchs - LION
Evan Hixon - SCORPION
Brian Fox - CRANE
Daniel Jacobson - CRAB
Nick Jones - DRAGON
Justin Swentzel - SPIDER
Ben Cumming - UNICORN

Players for T4

Brian Fox - CRANE
Evan Hixon - SCORPION
Justin Swentzel - SPIDER
Ben Cumming - UNICORN


Evan Hixson - SCORPION
Brian Fox - CRANE

and Brian Fox takes it for the Crane

Military Winner: Brian Fox - Crane
Political Winner: Crane (probably - not @ AEG or JH)


Kotei Military Summary: (jak tylko jakis kotei sie skonczy to tu uzupelniam wiec jest to aktualne)

Crab - 7
Crane - 6
Mantis - 1
Spider - 1
Lion - 5
Phoenix - 2
Scorpion - 6
Unicorn - 17 (4x Case Kiyonaga 2x Aaron Boyhan)
Dragon - 3
Shadowlands Horde - 2

Kotei Political Summary:

Spider - 9
Scorpion - 9
Dragon - 4
Phoenix - 5
Lion - 5
Crane - 5 (or 6 if rumours are true)
Mantis - 4
Unicorn - 3
Crab - 2
Hare - 2
Shadowlands - 1

Kotei season 2009 / Kotei Weekend 6-7 Czerwiec
« dnia: 2009-06-06, 14:15 »
Za ch...AEG...

Kotei: Toulouse, France

Storyline: Military
Location: Toshibu province, Dragon lands

After weeks and months of smaller engagements, the bulk of Army of Fire arrives and lays siege to the great fortress of Shiru MMirumoto. The Dragon army is assembled, but incomplete, as many units have been scattered throughout the provinces in defense of other holdings. The fighting is unlike anything ever experienced within the Draon lands, and the outcome remains uncertain. Heroes will distinguish themselves in battle, heroes of different Clans, and many will fall.

Storyline: Political
Location: The Imperial Court

The eyes of the Empire are upon Shiro Mirumoto, where it is desperately hoped that the Army of Fire can be repelled and cast out of Rokugan. Many step forward to speak in glowing terms of the prowess of the Dragon, and of the Mirumoto specifically. The court will be enthralled by these tales, and they will inspire a great play that will sweep across the Empire in honor of the Empress' Clan.

Clan Breakdown:

CB: 14
CN: 7
DG: 11
LN: 18
MN: 8
PX: 8
SC: 9
SP: 3
UN: 13
Sl: 8
Hare: 1


1; Thomas Pecqueur (CN) 8-1 [KK Item Switch]
2. Laurent Simon (SC) 8-1 [DVD bleed]
3. Nicolas Vaurette (SP) 7-2 [BSC Military]
4. David Attali (LN) 7-2 [VPi Switch]
5. Sebastien Bellanger (CB) 7-2 [SC Big Followers]
6. Pierre Verbanck (SC) 7-2 [DVD Bleed]
7. Frederic Lafaye (MN) 7-2 [EHP MiIitary]
8. Frederic Capbert (MN) 7-2 [EHP Military]


Here are the Political Contest results:

1. Julien Harquet (Shadowlands)
2. Remi Cavaillé (UN)
3. Anthony Delord (DG)
4. Romain Verdier (UN)

Top 8 games:

1. Thomas Pecqueur (CN) vs 8. Frederic Capbert (MN)
2. Laurent Simon (SC) vs 7. Frederic Lafaye (MN)
3. Nicolas Vaurette (SP) vs 6. Pierre Verbanck (SC)
4. David Attali (LN) vs 5. Sebastien Bellanger (CB)

Thomas defeats Frederic in 2 very long games. Crane advances to top 4.
Laurent defeats Frederic in 2 games. Scorpion advances to top 4.
Pierre defeats Nicolas in 3 games. Scorpion advances to top 4
David defeats Sebastien in 2 long games. Lion advances to top 4

T4 pairings

1. Thomas Pecqueur (CN) vs 4. David Attali (LN)
2. Laurent Simon (SC) vs 6. Pierre Verbanck (SC)


Thomas Pecqueur (CN) vs Laurent Simon (SC)

Game 1 of the final begins with a Crane Gold screw and Scorpion Proposal of Peace t2.

However, Thomas wins game 1 by dishonoring out Laurent.

Laurent wins game 2 by dishonor. Onto game 3.

Thomas wins game 3 and takes it home for the Crane

Military Winner:
Thomas Pecqueur - Crane
Political Winner: Julien Harquet - Shadowlands (nice - bylo best costume, ciekawe za co sie przebral ;d;d)

Kotei: Irvine, California

Kyuden Asako

Yogen province, Phoenix lands
Familial estate of the simple Asako family, Kyuden Asaso is a center of learning and diplomacy for the Phoenix Clan. It has stood as a home of artisans and ambassadors for centuries. Now, with the Army of Fire fast approaching, it must become a center of war as well. If it is lost, then the Army of Fire will gain a permanent essential foothold in the center of Phoenix lands, impeding travel and disrupting supply lines, and almost a thousand years of priceless art and history will be lost forever, consumed in fire at the command of a madman.

The Imperial Court
Political: One of the most common choices for the Emperor's Winter Court throughout history, Kyduen Asako is beloved by the entire empire. Those in the Imperial Court gather together to share stories of its splendor. One among them shall lead the gathering, greatly impressing the Divine Empress even in such terrible times, and in doing so earn a reputation as a historian, an orator, and an honored guest.

10 Crab
8 Crane
5 Dragon
11 Lion
5 Mantis
2 Phoenix
9 Scorpion
11 Spider
7 Unicorn
3 Shadowlands

Top 8:

1-Jesse Gibson, Crane (7-1)
2-Doruk Ozaydin, Scorpion (7-1)
3- Case Kiyonaga, Lion (7-1)
4-Phil Schaeffer, Crane (6-2)
5-Ryan Chiriboga, Unicorn (6-2)
6-Ken Kama, Dragon (6-2)
7-Joe Bartolick, Crab (6-2)
8-Tristan Muntsinger, Spider (6-2)

Top 4

Muntsinger vs Schaeffer

Ozaydin vs Kiyonaga


Case Kiyonaga vs Tristan Muntsinger

And Case takes it for the *meow*

Military Winner: Case Kiyonaga - Lion
Political Winner: Stehpanie Dane - Spider

Kotei: St. Louis, MO

Battle For Kyuden Asako

Clan Breakdown:

13 Spider (4 True Spider, 9 unaligned Oni/Shadowlands)
11 Crab
9 Dragon
8 Crane
7 Phoenix
6 Mantis
6 Unicorn
5 Scorpion
4 Lion

Skoro battle for Kyuden Asako to story jest najprawdopodobniej:

Kyuden Asako

Yogen province, Phoenix lands
Familial estate of the simple Asako family, Kyuden Asaso is a center of learning and diplomacy for the Phoenix Clan. It has stood as a home of artisans and ambassadors for centuries. Now, with the Army of Fire fast approaching, it must become a center of war as well. If it is lost, then the Army of Fire will gain a permanent essential foothold in the center of Phoenix lands, impeding travel and disrupting supply lines, and almost a thousand years of priceless art and history will be lost forever, consumed in fire at the command of a madman.

The Imperial Court
Political: One of the most common choices for the Emperor's Winter Court throughout history, Kyduen Asako is beloved by the entire empire. Those in the Imperial Court gather together to share stories of its splendor. One among them shall lead the gathering, greatly impressing the Divine Empress even in such terrible times, and in doing so earn a reputation as a historian, an orator, and an honored guest.


1 60 Cameron, Ian SH
2 58 Nicoll, Chris CN
3 40 Tate, Andy UN
4 29 Walters, Daniel ONI
5 35 Hedrick, Nathan SH
6 26 Fairbanks, David DG
7 52 Aken, Jason UN
8 48 Urbanek, Mark MN

Top Four

Mark Urbanek Vs.
Nathen Hendrick

David Fairbanks VS.
Chris Nicoll


Nathen Hendrick (Oni Shadowlands)
Chris Nicoll (Crane)

Nathen takes it for them Onis.

Military Winner: Nathen Hendrick - Shadowlands
Political Winner: Violet Strickland - Scorpion

Z Ciekawostek - Salman nie pojechal do Tuluzy bo ... AEG zjebauo terminy na stronie z Kotejami ... podali ze to mialo byc w kwietniu, a tu zonk (bilety mial zarezerwowane i srednio mogl oddac je ;/)


Kotei Military Summary: (jak tylko jakis kotei sie skonczy to tu uzupelniam wiec jest to aktualne)

Crab - 7
Crane - 5
Mantis - 1
Spider - 1
Lion - 5
Phoenix - 2
Scorpion - 6
Unicorn - 17 (4x Case Kiyonaga 2x Aaron Boyhan)
Dragon - 3
Shadowlands Horde - 2

Kotei Political Summary:

Spider - 9
Scorpion - 9
Dragon - 4
Phoenix - 5
Lion - 5
Crane - 5
Mantis - 4
Unicorn - 3
Crab - 2
Hare - 2
Shadowlands - 1

Kotei season 2009 / Kotei Weekend 30-31 Maj
« dnia: 2009-05-30, 13:20 »
Kotei: Auckland, New Zealand:

Clan Breakdown:

Crab: 1
Crane: 2
Dragon: 2
Lion: 3
Mantis: 0
Phoenix: 0
Scorpion: 2
Shadowlands: 0
Spider: 2
Unicorn: 1

The top 4 after 5 rounds of Swiss were:

Chris Bridgeman - Lion (5 - 0)
Leonard Wee - Scorpion (4 -1)
John Cleland - Crane (3 - 2)
KC Wong - Unicorn (3 - 2)

Top 2 was:

KC Wong vs John Cleland

And the winner was KC Wong piloting his Unicorn Battle Maidens to victory!

The Political prize was won by James Dunning (Dragon) with an imaginative version of the Battle of the White Stag.

Military Winner:
KC Wong - Unicorn
Political Winner: James Dunning - Dragon

Kotei: Northwest, Ohio:

storyline: military: ukabu mura
location: ukabu province, phoenix land
similar to heibesu in the dragon lands, ukabu nura is the gateway from the phoenix lnads into the vast dragon heart plain and the empire beyond. among its greatest treasures is the shrine of agash kitsuki, founder of the kitsuki family and distant ancestor of the divine empress. the winning clan shall save the ashes of agash kitsuki from, destruction, that they might be preserved in the emmpress' honor

storyline: political
location: the imperial court
as one of the diplomatic centers of the shiba lands, ukabu mura is home to many holdings that are well known throughout the empire and beloved by many amoung other clans. among the greatest of them is the house of the evening star, one of the most reputable and well-respected geisha houses in rokugan. one attendant among the imperial court will arrange for the women of the evening star to be granted asylum and lodging within his clans lands, that they might continue to ply their trade even as the safety of their homes remains uncertain.

crab: 9
crane: 5
dragon: 5
hare: 0
lion: 5
mantis: 7
phoenix: 6
scorpion: 7
shadowlands: 5
spider: 6
unicorn: 11

Tournament Summary 5/31/2009 1:45:12 AM


Number of Swiss rounds completed: 8
Number of playoff rounds completed: 3

Final result:

1 scheiman, heath, crane
2 wells, david, spider
3 twyman, lucas, dragon
4 colson, mike, shadowlands
5 walters, daniel, shadowlands
6 hixon, evan, scorpion
7 martin, amanda, shadowlands
8 jacobson, dan, crab

Military Winner: Heath Scheiman - Crane
Political Winner: Andrew Leukering - Crab

Kotei: Denver, Colorado:

Location: Nejiro province, Phoenix lands

The stalwart fortress of the Phoenix lands stands threatened as the Army of Fire pushes ever deeper into the Empire of Rokugan. Battered at every turn and forced to give up ground again and again, the Phoenix draw the line in the sand at their ancestral castle, and the Shiba vow that they will die to a man before they are driven from it. Forces from all sides converge upon the castle in what promises to be one of the grandest battles of the war so far, one in which many legends will be born.

Location: Imperial Court

There are no finer yojimbo in the Empire than those among the Shiba family, and it is not at all uncommon for important personages in other clans to call upon favors to ensure such protection for themselves. One clan shall step forward and volunteer any number of yojimbo to replace all those Shiba they can, in order for those men and women to return home and assist in the defense of their homes.

56 Players.

Clan Breakdown-

Crab- 6
Crane- 6
Dragon- 13
Lion- 6
Mantis- 4
Phoenix - 5
Scorpion- 11
Shadowlands- 2
Spider- 1
Pretty, Pretty Princesses- 2
Amount of hair on heads of said Princesses: 0

Czesc nagrod

Cytat: Shosuro Azwaru
We have some swords for prizes.

Overall military winner
Overall political winner
Best Sportsman

Top of Clan prizes

Shadowlands (Yes, we support Oni!)

Mantis- Josh Cook
Unicorn- Jacob Claussen

Top 8
1 Joe Bartolick- Crab Shattered Peaks v. 8 Charles Schofield- Dragon Tetsu Kama Mura
2 Nick Moran- Lion Venerable Plains v. 7 James Matthews-Phoenix City of Tears
3 Josh Thornes- Shadowlands Maw v. 6 Jared Noble- Spider Black Silk
4 Rick Heinz- Scorpion Seven Stings v. 5 Michael Palser- Crane Shizuka Toshi

Each of the top 8 are top of their clan.

Top 4

1 Sexy Hug Monster v. 6 Jared
4 Rick Heinz v. 7 GHOST RAT

Top 2-

Joe vs Rick

Military Winner: Joe Bartolick - Crab
Political Winner: Rick Heinz - Scorpion


Kotei Summary: (jak tylko jakis kotei sie skonczy to tu uzupelniam wiec jest to aktualne)

Crab - 7
Crane - 4
Mantis - 1
Spider - 1
Lion - 4
Phoenix - 2
Scorpion - 6
Unicorn - 17 (4x Case Kiyonaga 2x Aaron Boyhan)
Dragon - 3
Shadowlands Horde - 1

Kotei season 2009 / Kotei Weekend 23-24 Maj
« dnia: 2009-05-23, 17:34 »
Sorry, ze dopiero teraz, ale sesja itp ...

as usual za AEGiem:

Kotei: Thunder Bay, Ontario (Canada)

Storyline: Military
Location: Nejiro Province, Phoenix Lands

The stalwart fortress of the Phoenix lands stands threatened as the Army of Fire pushes ever deeper into the Empire of Rokugan Battered at every turn and forced to give up ground again and again, the Phoenix draw the line in the sand at their ancestral castle, and the Shiba vow that they will die to a man before they are driven from it. Forces from all sides converge upon the castle in what promises to the one of the grandest battles of the war so far, one in which many legends will be born.

Storyline: Political
Location: The Imperial Court

There are no finer yojimbo in the Empire than those among the Shiba family, and it is not at all uncommon for important personages in other clans to call upon favours to ensure such protection for themselves. One clan shall step forward and volunteer any number of yojimbo to replace all those Shiba they can, in order for those men and women to return home and assist in the defence of their homes.

Total Players - 28

Crab - 6
Crane - 3
Dragon - 1
Mantis - 3
Lion - 1
Phoenix - 1
Spider - 5
Scorpion - 2
Unicorn - 3
Shadowlands - 3

After swiss, 6 rounds with records of 5-1:

1. Brandon Smith, Phoenix
2. Jess Anderson, Mantis
3. Eric Gardiner, Shadowlands
4. Erik Dahlman, Crane

Political Winner:
Spider Clan

Top 4

2. Jess Anderson, Mantis vs 3. Eric Gardiner, Shadowlands - Jess Wins
1. Brandon Smith, Phoenix vs 4. Erik Dahlman, Crane - Brandon wins


Brandon Smith, Phoenix vs Jess Anderson, Mantis - Brandon wins.

Military Winner: Brandon Smith for Phoenix

Kotei: Aldershot, UK

Maw's Grave:4

Total: 72

Story point (looks like a recycled one from last week)
Shiro Utaku Shojo
Location: Manaka province, Unicorn lands
As the Army of Fire moves southward, scattering every force arrayed against it, the ancestral estate of the Utaku family stands as the refuge for hundreds of samurai of all clans, and is now under imminent threat. The Utaku fear the destruction of their stables and the fields in which their steeds are raised far more than their home.

As they marshal their defense, a patrol from the winning clan, chosen from among the assembled forces, shall be tasked with the duty of moving the blessed herds south, out of harm?s way.

(Note: Bah recycled story prize. I want this one to be a herd of magical, talking horses. Let's see how far this gets.)

the top 8 were

Salman Barakat CB
Ant Doornebosch SP

Dave Russell CN
Mike Dickinson SC

Eoin Burke CB
Matt Green UN

Neil Robins SL
Christian Endres DG

Barakat, Dickinson, Green, Endres win

Endres wins vs Green
Dickinson wins vs Barakat


Christian Endres DG vs Mike Dickinson SC

Military Winner: Christian Endres, Dragon

Kotei Summary:(jak tylko jakis kotei sie skonczy to tu uzupelniam wiec jest to aktualne)

Crab - 6
Crane - 3
Mantis - 1
Spider - 1
Lion - 4
Phoenix - 2
Scorpion - 6
Unicorn - 16 (4x Case Kiyonaga 2x Aaron Boyhan)
Dragon - 3
Shadowlands Horde - 1

Kotei season 2009 / Kotei Weekend 15-17 Maj
« dnia: 2009-05-16, 11:04 »
No to zaczynamy najgorszy Kotei weekend dla naszego ulubione Storyteamu !!!
8 kotei, to juz cos :) oczywiscie wszystko za forum Alderac Entertainment Group.

Oczywiscie na poczatek wielke, siarczyste niczym Doda po randce z Nergalem UTZ !!!!! dla naszej polskiej hordy najezdzajacej Wegrow !!!

And now, let the Cioting begin aka Let's get ready to RUMBLE !!!!!

Kotei: Bacolod City, Philippines:

Bacolod City Kotei has started.

Clan Breakdown:

Crab - 4
Crane - 7
Dragon - 1
Lion - 5
Mantis - 4
Phoenix - 3
Scorpion - 3
Spider - 2
Shadowlands - 3
Unicorn - 9

41 Players.

Shiro Utaku Shojo

Location: Manaka Province, Unicorn Lands

As the Army of Fire moves southward, the ancestral estate of the Utaku family stands as the refuge for hundreds of samurai of all clans, and now under imminent threat. Far more so then their home, the Utaku fear the destruction of their stables and the fields in which their steeds are raised. As they marshal their defense, one patrol among the assembled forces shall be tasked with the duty of moving the blessed herds south, out of harm's way.

Location: The Imperial Court

Crippled at the thought of losing their sacred stables, the Utaku family is distraught in court as well as in battle. Hoping to curb the pain of her subjects, the Divine Empress orders representatives of one clan to retrieve the herd Otaku steeds maintained at the Imperial stables and escort them safely to the southern Unicorn lands, where they can be taken over by the clan and properly cared for until the fate of their stables in known.

Political Prize Winners:

1st - Jan Ang - Lion
2nd - John Paul Sanson - Shadowlands/Spider
3rd - Irvin Armores - Unicorn
4th - Mark Noel Soller - Shadowlands/Spider

Top 4

1st: Ronilo Demonteverde (KK Crane honor-running)
2nd: Lawrence Alejandre (WS Unicorn military)
3rd: Irvin Amores (WS Unicorn all-stars)
4th: Raychard Solas (VH Lion honor switch)

T4 bedzie rozgrywane jutro (czyli po ichnemu zapewne dzis wieczorem)

Final Results - Military Winner:

1st: Lawrence Alejandre - Unicorn
2nd: Ronilo Demonteverde - Crane
3rd: Irvin Amores - Unicorn
4th: Raychard Solas - Lion

Kotei: Fort Worth, Texas:

Standings outside Top 2

3rd: Daniel Briscoe Shadowlands Horde
4th: Douglas Dee Shadowlands Horde
5th Mario Luncumilla Scorpion
6th Matt DeMent Unicorn
7th Adam Carey Scorpion
8th Caleb Potter Unicorn

Top 2

Bob Martin SC vs Daniel Jacobson CB

Bob takes it for the Scorps !!!

Military Winner: Bob Martin - Scorpion

There were eight or so costumes.Costume finish for the political prize was:

Political Winner:

1st - Lion - Omodaisu in battle dress and armor (excellent costume)
2nd - Mantis - Moshi Theologian from Amaterasu Seido in Court attire (me- costume loosely based on Q'in Dynasty judges)
3rd - Crane -Courtly dress
4th - Crane - Courtly dress

Kotei: Mobile, AL:

25 Players + One running late. Not bad for our first Kotei here:

Jason Andrews
Josh Williams
David Lee

David Bennett
Ray Jasinski

Chris Stevenson

Nicolas Basey
Adam Zehner

Christopher Rose
David Kempe
Jeremy Monts

Erin Macheski-Preston
Kevin Kennedy
Jeff Marx

Tyson Watkins
Craig Poche
Jim Degeatano
Forrest Miller
Joe Little

Jay Earle
Zach Sprague

Wilbur Bennett
Patrick Lange
Brian Medus

Jon Freeman

In the Political Contest, the Dragon win with over $600 in food donations, the Spider also with an amazing $350+ in donations. Chris Stevenson wins the political prize and Wilbur Bennett of the Spider will also receive a prize for his great effort.

Exact text for the storyline... I left in the other room. ;) The basic concept is that a peasant village in the Dragon lands has always been in the path of war, as they expect the army of fire to march through have abandoned the village but not before rigging it with enough traps to stop a small force. One samurai of the winning clan will remain behind as bait and to spring the trap, giving his life to stop the advance.

The political prize involves a clan empathizing with the efforts of the peasants to aid in the fight along side their masters, sacrificing their homes in this way. That Clan will build a monument to the peasants sacrifice.

Political Winner: Dragon Chris Stevenson


Jon Freeman (U) vs Chris Stevenson (D)
David Bennett (C) vs Jeff Marx (P)

Final Match:

Chris Stevenson (D) vs Jeff Marx (P)

And Chris Stevenson takes it for the Dragon !!!

Military Winner: Chris Stevenson - Dragon

(tak wygral i polityke i militarke)

Kotei: Barcelona, Spain:

9 crab
10 Crane
6 dragon
11 lion
3 phoenix
7 scorpion
7 mantis
7 unicorn
4 spider
1 shadowlands

Top after 8 rounds:

1-8 Sebastien Kaczman (Scorpion) vs Borja Claveria (Scorpion)
4-5 Juan Martinez (Crab) vs Adrián Aragón (Crane)
3-6 Renaud Angles (Unicorn) vs Pablo Rojo (Unicorn)
2-7 Heraclio Sánchez (Crane) vs Adrián Amorós (Dragon)


Sebastien Kaczman (Scorpion) vs Heraclio Sánchez (Crane)

Sebastien Kaczmar takes it for the Scorps

Military Winner: Sebstaien Kaczmar, Scoprion

Political Winner:
Crab, Kike Forcada has won with a donation of 600 points. Congratulations too!!!
Attendance: 65 (8 rounds, top 8 )

CB: 9
CN: 10
DG: 6
LN: 11
MN: 7
PX: 3
SC: 7
SP: 4
UN: 7
SL: 1
Hare: 0

Shiro Kitsuki

Storyline: Military
Location: Shinpi Province, Dragon lands

Last Watch Castle is the great diplomatic center of the Dragon Clan, and the home of the Divine Empress Iweko,
formerly of the Kitsuki. As the battle for the castle rages, one warrior enters the castle and retrieves the
Empress' private journals, logs of her time with the magistrates, to be returned to the Imperial Palace for her.
=> Winner: Sebastien Kaczmar (SC)

Storyline: Political
Location: The Imperial Court

The notion of her home falling to the enemy fills the Empress with woe, and she retires from the court to contemplate
the matter. She remains in seclusion for some days, unti the poignantly beautiful song of an unwitting artisan
in attendance reaches the Empress' chambers, and she emerges to discover whose voice echoes with such beauty.
=> Winner: Enrique Forcada (CB)

Rankings after 8 rounds:
1. Sebastien Kaczmar (SC) [DVD Bleed] 7-1
2. Heraclio Sanchez (CN) [KK switch] 7-1
3. Renaud Angles (UN) [ToD Duelling] 7-1
4. Juan Martinez (CB) [Shattered Peaks Heroes/followers] 6-2
5. Adrian Aragon (CN) [ST Honor] 6-2
6. Pablo Rojo (uN) [WS Military move] 6-2
7. Adrian Amoros (DG) [MFC Kensai] 6-2
8. Borja Claveria (SC) [DVD Heated bomb] 6-2

top 8 Clan Breakdown

CB: 1
CN: 2
DG: 1
SC: 2
UN: 2

Top 8 Matches
1. Sebastien Kaczmar (SC) vs 8. Borja Claveria (SC) 2-0
4. Juan Martinez (CB) vs 5. Adrian Aragon (CN) 1-2
3. Renaud Angles (UN) vs. 6. Pablo Rojo (UN) 2-1
2. Heraclio Sanchez (CN) vs Adrian Amoros (DG) 2-0

top 4 Clan Breakdown

CN: 2
SC: 1
UN: 1

Top 4 Matches
1. Sebastien Kaczmar (SC) vs 5. Adrian Aragon (CN) 2-0
2. Heraclio Sanchez (CN) vs 3. Renaud Angles (UN) 2-0

top 2 Clan Breakdown

CN: 1
SC: 1

1. Sebastien Kaczmar (SC) vs 2. Heraclio Sanchez (CN) 2-0

3rd place
3. Renaud Angles (UN) vs 5. Adrian Aragon (CN) 0-1

Congratulations to the winners, the attendants, the organization team for another great weekend in sunny Barcelona.

sorry ale jestem za bardzo nawalony zeby to rozdzielic ...

Kotei: Saskatoon, SK:

Players 34
Clan Breakdown
Crab 5
Crane 2
Dragon 3
Lion 6
Mantis 2
Phoenix 1
Scorpion 3
Spider 5
Unicorn 6
Shadowlands 1
Hare 0


Location: Tonbo Province, Dragonfly Lands

Ever the gateway to the Dragon lands, the Dragonfly lands have seen more tragedy than perhaps the lands of any other clan in the Empire. And yet, the Tonbo do not waver. With their spouses and children sent away, the warriors and priests of the Dragonfly stand shoulder to shoulder, unwilling to allow even a single Yobanjin raider to enter the lands where they live. One clan shall offer sanctuary to their families, allowing the Tonbo to fight on without fear for their loved ones.


Location: The Imperial Court

The defense of Kyuden Tonbo is essential, as it is the gateway from the mountains to the whole of the Empire. The valiant defense of the Tonbo provinces inspires those among the court, and the winning clan steps forward to propose that the survivors of that great battle be awarded a new family name to distinguish them among the Tonbo family.

Top 4:

1. Andrew Ornatov, Crab
2. Case Kiyonaga, Spider
3. Jesse Shafer-Oliver, Scorpion
4. Jonas Solberg, Mantis

Andrew defeats Jonas
Case defeats Jesse

.... would you believe... Case defeats Andrew...

(it is possible that a private island and Lamborghini were involved)

Political Winner: Political prize was won by Tyler Eros (Scorpion) for being the tie-breaking tainted Samurai that he is.
Military Winner: Case Kyionaga - Spider ....

Kotei: Calgary, Alberta:

36 Players

Clan Breakdown
CB 3
CN 3
DN 2
LN 7
MN 2
PH 3
SC 4
SP 3
UN 8
SH 0
HR 1

Storyline: Military
Location: Tonbo Province, Dragonfly lands

Ever the gateway to the Dragon lands, the Dragonfly lands have seen more tradey than perhaps the lands of any other clan in the Empire. And yet the Tonbo do not waver. With their spouses and children sent away, the warriors and preists of the Dragonfly stand shoulder to shoulder, unwilling to allow even a single Yobanjin raider to enter their lands whiles they live. One clan shall offer sanctuary to their families, allow the Tonbo to fight on without fear of their loved ones.

Storyline: Political
Location: The Imperial Court

The defense of Kyuden Tonbo is essential, as it is the gateway from the mountains to the whole of the Empire. The valiant defense of the Tonbo provinces inspires those among the court, and the winning caln steps forward to propose that the survivors of the great battle be awarded a new family name to distinguish them among the Tonbo family.

Politics: Clement Chow for Hare winning the Political Prize.

1. Case Kiyonaga, CB
2. Michael Tunes, UN
3. Jonas Solberg, LN
4. Reuben Avellana, CB

1. Case Kiyonaga, CB vs 3. Jonas Solberg, LN

And Case takes it for the Crab !!!

Military Winner: Case Kiyonaga - Crab

Kotei: Woodbridge, VA (DC Metro):

We have 49 players, which is a cut to Top 8. The T8 pairings are:


1 Cody Smallwood (Phoenix)
8 Joe Maiden (Crane)

4 John Brouillet (Crab)
5 Josh Griffis (Crab)

3 Jesse Gibson (Crane)
6 Rob Huber (Scorpion)

2 Josh Jonas (Shadowlands)
7 Marco Mazzurco (Dragon)

Political Winner: Matt Tyler for the Scorpion
who will establish a new trading house within the city of Heibesu, the gateway from the Dragon lands into the Dragon Heart Plains.

Military Winner: Josh Griffis - Crab
The winning clan will stand against the Army of Fire alongside the Wolf Legion and gain the Legion's respect.

Kotei: Budapest,Hungary:

41 players.

Crab: 3

Shiro Kitsuki

Storyline: Military
Location: Shinpi province, Dragon lands

Last Watch Castle is the great diplomatic center of the Dragon Clan, and the home of the Divine Empress Iweko, formerly of the Kitsuki. As the battle for the castle rages, one warrior enters the castle and retrieves the Empress' private journals, logs of her time with the magistrates, to be returned to the Imperial Palace for her.

Storyline: Political
Location: The Imperial Court

The notion of her home falling to the enemy fills the Empress with woe, and she retires from the court to contemplate the matter. She remains in seclusion for some days, until the poignantly beautiful song of an unwitting artisan in attendance reaches the Empress' chambers, and she emerges to discover whose voice echoes with such beauty.

Undefeated after Round 4:

Laszlo Bodnar, Mantis
Ysarion Deichl, Crane
Tobias Vater, Unicorn

Top 4 and the Political prize will be decided tomorrow, Top 4 after the Swiss rounds:

1. Ysarion Deichl, Crane (7-0)
2. Johann Sebastian Wagner, Scorpion (6-1)
3. Scharwin Farnusch, Scorpion (6-1)
4. Salman Barakat, Crab (5-2)

The top 4 has just been started!!!

Ysarion Deichl, Crane vs Salman Barakat, Crab

Johann Sebastian Wagner, Scorpion vs Scharwin Farnusch, Scorpion

The finals:

Salman Barakat,crab vs Scharwin Farnusch,scorpion

Military Winner: Scharwin Farnusch, Scorpion

Political winner: Laszlo Bodnar, Mantis


Kotei Summary:(jak tylko jakis kotei sie skonczy to tu uzupelniam wiec jest to aktualne)

Crab - 6
Crane - 3
Mantis - 1
Spider - 1
Lion - 4
Phoenix - 1
Scorpion - 6
Unicorn - 16 (4x Case Kiyonaga 2x Aaron Boyhan)
Dragon - 2
Shadowlands Horde - 1

Kotei season 2009 / Kotei Weekend 2-3 Maj
« dnia: 2009-05-02, 13:35 »
za AEG:

Kotei: Manhattan, Ks:

45 people

6 crane
2 crab
5 dragon
5 lion
2 mantis
7 phoenix
5 unicorn
5 scorpion
5 spider

Location:Enju Provinces, Phoenix Lands

A favorite place of the Hantei line, White Oak Castle is considered sacred by many, including the Imperial families. A great white oak grows there, making the resting place of an Emperor who eschewed the tradition of cremation to instead be buried near his beloved's home. One samurai above all others shall be chosen to stand as the guardian of this sacred tree.

Location:The Imperial Court

Fearful of the destruction of White Oak Castle, one clan representative steps forward and informs the court that centuries ago his ancestor committed an act of tremendous bravery before the Emperor's court and, as a result, was permitted to take a small number of acorns from the legendary white oak from the castle. While most use the incredible medicinal properties of the wood, the samurai reveals that his family managed to grow a tree from the acorns and offers it to the Phoenix with the Empress's blessing to ensure that it will not be lost forever, no matter what the outcome.

Political contest, a theme deck competition, was won by a Spider player: Mason "Daigotsu Usharo" Crawford. His deck was titled "Heaven's Will" and dealt with the Night of the Assassins.

Top 8 (in order of seeding):
Kilian Downey: Mantis (top mantis)
Chris Nicoll: Shadowlands (let mason take top spider)
Bob Martin: Scorpion (top scorpion)
Johnathon Wood: Crane (top crane)
Andy Tate: Unicorn (top unicorn)
Mason Crawford: Spider (top spider)
Kyle Christen: Crab (top crab)
Adam Carey: Scorpion

9th: Nick Jones (top Lion)
17th: Jason Aken (top phoenix)
25th: Ian Cameron (top dragon)

Top 4 (final standings):

1st: Chris Nicoll (Shadowlands)

2nd: Andy Tate (Unicorn)
3rd: Bob Martin (Scorpion)
4th: Adam Carey (Scorpion)

Kotei: Bordeaux, France:

Attendance: 62 (8 rounds and top 8 )

Crab: 8
Crane: 4
Dragon: 5
Lion: 6
Mantis: 6
Phoenix: 6
Scorpion: 8
Spider: 11
Unicorn: 5
Shadowlands: 3

Michita Yasumi

Storyline: Military
Location: Kyuukai province, Phoenix lands

Hopeful Rest city is the crossroads of trade between the northern and southern Phoenix lands. Without it, the northern provinces only have their meager crops to rely upon. The city is not without other treasures however, and when the Army of Fire comes, one hero shall give his life to protect the treasures of Kanjiro Library. In doing so, he will enter into the annals of history forever.

Storyline: Political (Costume contest)
Location: The Imperial Court

Saddened by the loss of yet another priceless treasure, the attendants of the Imperial Court are spurred on by a single charismatic courtier who entreats them to not allow this destruction to go uncorrected. At his or her urging, the clans begin to compile tome after tome of their most treasured texts, gathering them together and duplicating them so that the Phoenix might regain that which was lost.


1. Frederic Lafaye, MN [EHP military] 7-1
2. Reda Lounis, CN [KK item switch] 7-1
3. Laurent Simon, SC [DVD heated discussion bomb] 6-2
4. François Carri?re, MN [EHP commanders] 6-2
5. Maxime Despretz, PX [KA enlightenment] 6-2
6. Sebastien Kaczmar, SC [DVD Bleed] 6-2
7. Guillaume Carel, DG [MST honor monks] 6-2
8. Sebastien Bellanger, CB [SP big followers] 6-2

Pairings for tomorrow will be (best of 3 games, 2h time limit)

1. Frederic Lafaye MN vs 8. Sebastien Bellanger CB
4. François Carri?re MN vs 5. Maxime Despretz PX
3. Laurent Simon SC vs 6. Sebastien Kaczmar SC
2. Reda Lounis CN vs. 7. Guillaume Carel DG

Top 4

8. Sebastien Bellanger CB vs François Carri?re MN
2. Reda Lounis CN vs 6. Sebastien Kaczmar SC

Final Standings:

1. Sebastien Bellanger (CB) [Shattered Peaks Castle military]
2. Reda Lounis (CN) [Kyuden Kyotei Item bonanza]
3. François Carri?re (MN) [EHP commanders]
4. Sebastien Kaczmar (SC) [DVD bleed]

Kotei: Rosario, Argentina:


Ariel Alvarez (Crane) vs Joaquin Rivas (Unicorn)
Jorge Matar (Scorpion) vs Gonzalo Valdenegro (Shadowlands)


Ariel Alvarez (Crane) vs Gonzalo Valdenegro (Shadowlands)

Military Winner: Ariel Alvarez (Crane)
Political Winner: Carlos Alvarez (Dragon)

Kotei: Anchorage AK:

Total players 19
Clan Breakdown
1 Crab
1 Crane
1 Dragon
3 Lion
1 Mantis
4 Phoenix
2 Scorpion
2 Spider
2 Unicorn
1 Shadowlands
1 Hare


Adam Lincoln (Crane)
Jacob Kreger (Lion)
Joe DiSimone (Spider)
Steven Tabor (Phoenix)


Adam (Crane) vs Jacob (Lion)


Jacob Kreger (Lion)

Political (best costume)

Andrew Dowd (Lion)

Kotei: Valencia, Spain:

40 players.

1 - Pablo Rojo - Unicorn (Western Steppes)
2 - Borja Clavería - Scorpion (DVD Bomba)
3 - Victor Bazan - Crab
4 - Enrique Cebriá - Unicorn (ToD)

Politics went to Scorpion


Kotei Summary:

Crab - 4
Crane - 3
Mantis - 1
Spider - 0
Lion - 4
Phoenix - 1
Scorpion - 3
Unicorn - 15 (4x Case Kiyonaga 2x Aaron Boyhan)
Dragon - 1
Shadowlands Horde - 1

Kotei season 2009 / Kotei Weekend 25-26 Kwiecień
« dnia: 2009-04-25, 13:06 »
za forum AEGa

2009 Kotei:South Sioux City, Nebraska:

88 Players started half an hour late due to some printer problems.

Clan Breakdown:

Crab - 14
Crane - 11
Dragon - 4
Lion - 7
Mantis - 7
Phoenix - 9
Scorpion - 7
Shadowlands - 5
Spider - 11
Unicorn - 13

1st Place - Kery Haney (Scorpion)
2nd Place - James Matthews (Phoenix)
3rd Place - Laura Harvey (Crane)

Theme Deck:
Nicholas McCandless (Phoenix)

Sportsman goes to Nick Moran (Lion)

Top of Clan:
Crab: Matt Ussary
Crane: Chris Nicoll
Dragon: Ian Cameron
Lion: Jed Carleton
Mantis: Jesse Anderson
Phoenix: Chris White
Scorpion: Chris Fuchs
Shadowlands: TBD
Spider: Josh Kleaver
Unicorn: Matt Butterfield

Top 8
1 Matt Butterfield (Unicorn)vs 8 Matt Ussary (Crab)
2 Jesse Anderson (Mantis) vs 7 Chris Fuchs (Scorpion)
3 Chris Nicoll (Crane) vs 6 Ian Cameron (Dragon)
4 Adrian Lahs (Shadowlands) vs 5 Darin DuMez (Shadowlands)

Top 4:

Jesse Anderson (Mantis) vs Chris Nicoll (Crane)
Darin DuMez (Shadowlands) vs Matt Butterfield (Unicorn)

Top 2

Matt Butterfield (Unicorn)
Jesse Anderson (Mantis)


Matt Butterfield (Unicorn)

2009 Kotei: Phoenix, AZ:

Crab: 1
Crane: 2
Dragon: 2
Lion: 6
Mantis: 3
Phoenix: 1
Scorpion: 5
Spider: 4
Unicorn: 5

Story Information:
Shiro Shinjo!

Military, Kouryo Province, Unicorn Lands

A family in disgrace due to the corruption of previous generations, the Shinjo see the advance of the Army of Fire as a possible end to their shame. To stop the army's advance now would be to redeem themselves in the eyes of the Empire, and they mean to take it. Wielding a blade of honor bestowed upon him by another clan, the Unicorn officer Shinjo Dun leads the charge into battle.

Political, The Imperial Court

With the hopes of the Empire placed upon the disgraced Shinjo family, one samurai steps forward from the Imperial Court with an impassioned please to the Great Clans to forgive the Shinjo's past and allow them to move past the shameful actions of their Kolat predecessors, moving many in the court to agree.

Top 4 was as follows:

Seeding 1st in swiss: Case Kiyonaga (Unicorn)
Seeding 2nd in swiss: Josh Fohrman (Spider) - hey, that's me!
Seeding 3rd in swiss: Eugene Tanaka (Lion)
Seeding 4th in swiss: Ryan Chiriboga (Unicorn)

Top 4
Case > Ryan
Josh < Eugene (Josh conceded so Eugene can get the GenCon Seed)

Top 2
Eugene < Case

Political goes to Scorpion.


Kotei Summary:

Crab - 3
Crane - 2
Mantis - 1
Spider - 0
Lion - 3
Phoenix - 1
Scorpion - 3
Unicorn - 14 (4x Case Kiyonaga 2x Aaron Boyhan)
Dragon - 1

Kotei season 2009 / Kotei Weekend 18-19 Kwietnia
« dnia: 2009-04-18, 09:17 »
as usual from the one and only AEG Forums:

Kotei: Corvallis, OR:

42 Players

Clan breakdown is as Follows:

2 Crab
6 Unicorn
3 Spider
6 Scorpion
6 Phoenix
3 mantis
7 Dragon
4 Crane
5 Lion

Political prize went to Micheal Gustie, Phoenix (food Drive)
Cookie Contest winner Max Weeks, Scorpion
Farthest traveled: Greg Wong

Story Line: Military
Location: Kinenkan province, Dragon Island

With the assault on the ancestral estate of the Mirumoto drawing most of the clans defenders away, Shiro Tamori is relatively undefended. The sighting of a second large segment of the Army on Fire on the northern horizon is recognized by the family's leaders as the potential end of thier home. The Tamori stand their ground, preparing to face a terrible battle. Two guests present at the time are chosen to bear a large number of their most sacred texts to the Imperial Court, Where they can be safeguarded by the Emperess and her Voice.

Storyline Political:

Location: The Imperial Court

The arrival of the Tamori texts are a grave omen for the Imperial Court, and a clear source of great dismay for the Empress and those loyal to her. To spare the Devine Empress the pain of their presence one Great Clan is tasked with protecting and safeguarding the secrets of the Tamori until such time as the can be safely returned.
top 4 pairings

Roger Morrison, Scorpion vs Phillip Koop, Crane

Chris Cappelletti, Phoenix vs Case Kiyonaga UNICORN

The final pairing will be Case Kiyonaga vs Roger Morrison.

The Unicorn vs the Scorpion

And Case Wins 2-0

Kotei: NJ Kotei Clifton, NJ :

Clan breakdown:

Crab: 9
Crane: 6
Dragon: 8
Lion: 10
Mantis: 9
Phoenix: 9
Scorpion: 13
Spider: 5
Unicorn: 7

Storyline: Military
Location: Kouryo province, Unicorn lands

A family in disgrace due to the corruption of previous generations, the Shinjo see the advance of the Army of Fire as a possible end to their shame. To stop the army's advance now would be to redeem themselves in the eyes of the Empire, and they mean to take it. Wielding a blade of honor bestowed upon him by another clan, the Unicorn officer Shinjo Dun leads the charge into battle.

Storyline: Political
Location: The Imperial Court

With the hopes of the Empire placed upon the disgraced Shinjo family, one samurai steps forward from the Imperial Court with an impassioned plea to the Great Clans to forgive the Shinjo's past and allow them to move past the shameful actions of their Kolat predecessors, moving many in the court to agree.
Top 8

1 Anthony Lawrence Lion
8 Aaron Barto Lion

2 Cody Smallwood Phoenix
7 Jared DevlinScherd Lion

3 David Winner Crane
6 Richard Filson Dragon

4 Joseph Maiden Crane
5 Robert Huber Scorpion

Top 4

Anthony Lawrence Lion
Robert Huber Scorpion

David Winner Crane
Jared Devlin-Scherd Lion

All Lion Final:

Anthony Lawrence Lion
Jared Devlin-Scherd Lion

Story Military: JDS Wins for Lion!

Political Victory: Matt Tyler Wins for Scorpion

Kotei: Logro?o, Spain:

Attendance: 78 (which means 8 rounds and top 8 )

CB: 7
CN: 7
DG: 10
LN: 7
MN: 6
PX: 5
SC: 14
SP: 10
UN: 11
Shadowlands: 0
Hare: 1


Storyline: Military
Location: Kinenkan Province, Dragon lands

With the assault of the ancestral estate of the Mirumoto drawing most of the clan's defenders away, Shiro Tamori is relatively undefended. The sighting of a second large segment of the Army of Fire on the Northern horizon is recognized by the family leaders as the potential end of their home. The Tamori stand their ground, preparing to face a terrible battle. Two guests present at the time are chosen to bear a large segment of their most sacred texts to the Imperial Court, where they can be safeguarded by the Empress and her Voice.

Storyline: Political (Theme Deck)
Location: the Imperial Court

The arrival of the Tamori texts are a grave omen for the Imperial Court, and a clear source of great dismay for the Empress and those loyal to her. To spare the Divine Empress the pain of their presence, one Great Clan is tasked with protecting and safeguarding the secrets of the Tamori until such time as they can be safely returned.

1. Rogelio Navarrete (MN) 7-1 [EHP commanders]
2. Victor Diaz (UN) 7-1 [ToD military]
3. Javier Jimenez (SC) 7-1 [DVD Heated Discussion Bomb]
4. Roberto Ruiz Martin (SC) 6-2 [DVD Dishonor Bomb]
5. Gustavo Caperan (PX) 6-2 [CoT Military]
6. Ridha Chelghaf (UN) 6-2 [Western Steppes military]
7. Sebastien Kaczmar (SC) 6-2 [DVD bleed]
8. Miguel Angel Castaneda (LN) 6-2 [VPI switch]

Top 8 Breakdown:

CB: 0
CN: 0
DG: 0
LN: 1
MN: 1
PX: 1
SC: 3
UN: 2

Matches will be:

1. Rogelio Navarette (MN) vs 8. Miguel Angel Castaneda (LN)
4. Roberto Ruiz Martin (SC) vs 5. Gustavo Caperan (PX)
3. Javier Jimenez (SC) vs. 6. Ridha Chelghaf (UN)
2. Victor Diaz (UN) vs 7. Sebastien Kaczmar (SC)

Political contest goes to the Hare Clan for a 7 samurai deck with full write up.

Top 4 Breakdown

MN: 1
PX: 1
UN: 2

1. Rogelio Navarrete (MN) vs 5. Gustavo Caperan (PX)
2. Victor Diaz (UN) vs 6. Ridha Chelghaf (UN)


1. Ridha Chelghaf (UN, WS)
2. Rogelio Navarrete (MN, EHP)
3. Victor Diaz (UN, ToD)
4. Gustavo Caperan (PX, CoT)


1. José Luis Dominguez (Hare)

Kotei: Minsk, Belarus:


Location: Tsuriai province, Unicorn lands
Although not particularly large or with a great yield, a small jade vein north of the city is the primary resource of Yashigi. The Emperor's Road also crosses through the city, and the Unicorn struggle to destroy it rather than allow the Army of Fire to claim it. During the fighting, one samurai of the winning clan rallies his unit to seize jade from the mine and use it in a daring strike deep within the enemy ranks.

Political (theme deck)
Location: The Imperial Court
To ease the sting of such a loss, one family within the Empire brings forward an exquisite tea set, crafted from jade taken from the mine at Yashigi and given to the family as a gift from Otaku Yashigi over a century ago. This gift is returned to the Unicorn at the Empress' request to remind them of the beauty of their holdings at Yashigi.

Military Winner - Mikhail Solntsev (Unicorn TOD Tactical)
Dmitry Saatchan (Lion pekkle) - 2nd
Anton Tamarov (Spider breeder) - 3rd
Dmitry Chizhevsky (Phoenix COT Enlightment/Military) - 4th

Political Winner - Nikolay Roganov (Mantis) - Three Man Alliance theme deck (Kitsune Enlightment).
Andrey hmelnov (Spider breeder) - 2nd
Pavel Lyalin (TWS Unicorn) - 3rd

Kotei: Fortaleza, Brazil:

ATTENDANCE: 20 players

Crab: 3
Crane: 2
Dragon: 2
Mantis: 3
Lion: 1
Phoenix: 2
Scorpion: 3
Shadowlands: 1
Spider: 0
Uni: 3

Political Winner: Ricardo Brauner, Phoenix

Top 4

1st - Jehovah Netto, Lion vs 4th - Bruno Carvalho, Scorpion
2nd - Marcelo Brauner, Phoenix vs 3rd - Bruno Strauss, Unicorn

Top 2

Jehovah Netto, Lion vs Marcelo Brauner, Phoenix

Winner: Jehovah Netto, Lion.

Top 4 decks were: HoA military, BRT military, ToD military and HoFH military


Kotei Summary:

Crab - 3
Crane - 2
Mantis - 1
Spider - 0
Lion - 3
Phoenix - 1
Scorpion - 3
Unicorn - 12 (3x Case Kiyonaga 2x Aaron Boyhan)
Dragon - 1


Jak ktos chche przeczytac o sytuacji z Kotei Kitem na Bialorusi to zostawiam to tutaj:
Now this surly will be an unusual Kotei!
The wonderful and most mystireous customs of Belarus has made the Minsk 2009 Kotei TO run about for more than a month, demanding the proof of the prize kits' not being commercial goods. Thanks to the AEG staff and personally Leticia Hyler the letters of such were promply sent in several times, but, most unfortunately, proved to be of no use, as the customs still does not release them even with the TO's confirmation of being ready to pay the fees for it as for commercial stuff. As it now turns out a physical person is not supposed to get such an amount of commercial goods either and the TO has to find a legal entity which will apply to get them.
With 5 days till Kotei it is now clear that the chances of getting the prizes on time are next to nothing. That is why we announce that Kotei Minsk 2009 will be totally free of entry fee! We shall assign the contents of the regular prize kit (based on our experience from Moscow Kotei) to certain places in the general tournament as well as to the winners of this or that side contest.
If all goes well and we do get that prizes, all participants who win anything will later have a choice of getting their prizes after paying the standard tournament fee. In other words you may choose to pay for this Kotei only if you win stuff and want to have it.
We do know it sounds totally crazy but no other choice seems to be an option, thanks to the afore mentioned customs.
We would highly appreciate any advice on the matter, so, please, share your thoughts.
At present we are glad to find ourselves surrounded by true samurai, many of whom have stated that the honor of fighting for their clan and the pleasure of playing with their friends is all they really look for.
However we would really be thankful to the ST should they be kind enough to send our story background to us before the tourney.

Kotei season 2009 / Kotei Weekend 11-12 Kwietnia
« dnia: 2009-04-11, 14:59 »
as usual from our beloved company - AEG

Kotei: Melbourne, Australia

Clan Breakdown:
Crab 4
Crane 2
Dragon 2
Lion 1
Mantis 2
Phoenix 2
Scorpion 4
Spider 5
Unicorn 2

24 players.

Top 4 (In finishing order)
1st Scorpion - Wayne Dyvestyn (sp? sorry Wayne)
2nd Crab - Dan C (I'm not even going to try Dan)
3rd Scorpion
4th Spider

Political prize was awarded to the best player at the Heroes of Rokugan LARP, as judged by the GMs.
The winner only played the RPG, and was contemplating taking a Crane bounty when the Spider rocked up and offered more cash, upfront.

Military i Political sa najprawdopodobniej takie jak w Columbii i zapewne jakie beda w Grecji:

Storyline: Military
Location: Toshibu province, Dragon Lands

After weeks and months of smaller engagements, the bulk of the Army of Fire arrives and lays siege to the great fortress of Shiro Mirumoto.The Dragon army is assembled, but incomplete, as many units have been scattered throughout the provinces in defense of other holdings. The fighting is unlike anything ever experienced within the Dragon lands, and the outcome remains uncertain. Heroes will distinguish themselves in battle, heroes of different clans, and many will fall.

Storyline: Political
Location: The Imperial Court

The eyes of the Empire are upon Shiro Mirumoto, where it is desperately hoped that the Army of Fire can be repelled and cast out of Rokugan. Many step forward to speak in glowing terms of the prowess of the Dragon, and of the Mirumoto specifically. The Court will be entralled by these tales, and they will inspire a great play that will sweep across the Empire in honor of the Empress' clan.

Kotei: Columbia, SC

The clans break down as such:
Crane -6
Crab -7
Phoenix -5
Dragon -9
Shadowlands -3
Scorpian -4
Spider Clan -6
Mantis -4
Lion -4
Unicorn -2

and just so you know we aren't bias.. the head judge (Robyn) is Crab, The TO (Pete Warren) is Ninja (Goju), the Score-Keeper (Liz Sumerlin) is Crane, and the Runner/Helper/All-around-guy (David Hayes) is Ninja.

Our Storyline outcomes are:
Storyline: Military
Location: Toshibu province, Dragon Lands

After weeks and months of smaller engagements, the bulk of the Army of Fire arrives and lays siege to the great fortress of Shiro Mirumoto.The Dragon army is assembled, but incomplete, as many units have been scattered throughout the provinces in defense of other holdings. The fighting is unlike anything ever experienced within the Dragon lands, and the outcome remains uncertain. Heroes will distinguish themselves in battle, heroes of different clans, and many will fall.

Storyline: Political
Location: The Imperial Court

The eyes of the Empire are upon Shiro Mirumoto, where it is desperately hoped that the Army of Fire can be repelled and cast out of Rokugan. Many step forward to speak in glowing terms of the prowess of the Dragon, and of the Mirumoto specifically. The Court will be entralled by these tales, and they will inspire a great play that will sweep across the Empire in honor of the Empress' clan.

Political contest (Best costume) was won by....

Kevin Kennedy (Phoenix).

Our undefeated players (in no particular order of ranking) after three rounds are:

Steven Franklin (Scorpion)
Jay Earle (Phoenix)
Daniel Wheeler (Phoenix)
David Kempe (Mantis)
Robert Purcell (Spider)
Terry Corbett (Crab)
Chris Stevenson (Dragon)

The final results from Columbia, SC:

1st place: Terry Corbett (Crab)
2nd place: Josh Wilson (Crab)
3rd place: Robert Purcell (Spider)
4th place: Trevor Valentine (Mantis)

Top of Clan: (each received 6 boosters and a legacy deck of their clan)
Crab : Terry Corbett
Crane : Cory Hockman
Dragon : Chris Stevenson
Lion: Philip Lyons
Mantis : Trevor Valentine
Phoenix : Daniel Wheeler
Scorpion : Steven Franklin
Shadowlands : Justin "Shaggy" Monbarren
Spider : Robert Purcell
Unicorn : Jon Freeman

Best Sportsman : Daniel Wheeler (received a wakizashi and 6 boosters)
Oldest Player : John Murphy (74 years old!) Playing Crane (received a katana and stand, courtesy of Fred Parsons)
Last Place : Shannon McDaniel (received six packs and a decorative tanto)
Farthest travelled: Jim Farrington, from Tacoma Washington (received the Cougar Clan travel kit, complete with candy, smokes and numerous PERFECTLY LEGAL stimulants)

We also ran two samurai constructed side events:

#1 : Robert Tenemak (Mantis) def. Justin "Shaggy" Monbarren (Spider)
#2 : Bart "Wet Horse Strike" Corley (Crab) splits with Patrick Dwyer (Dragon) in the finals

On behalf of the entire tournament staff and the staff at Heroes and Dragons, we'd like to thank everyone for coming and hope everyone had a good time! We will have photos up soon!

Kotei: Athens,Greece

Crab 8
Crane 9
Dragon 4
Lion 6
Mantis 3
Phoenix 5
Scorpion 7
Spider 8
Unicorn 5

TOP 8 after swiss:

1. Alexis Chionis, Mantis
2. Michalis Kanellos, Crab
3. Tolis Koytsikos, Spider
4. Petros Meletakos, Unicorn
5. Nikos Apostolou, Unicorn
6. George Noulas, Crane
7. Mpampis Zotos, Crab
8. Charis Siozos, Unicorn

Top 4:

Chionis (Mantis) vs. Koutsikos (Spider)
Zotos (Crab) vs. Meletakos (Unicorn)


Koutsikos (Spider) vs. Meletakos (Unicorn)

Military Winner:

Meletakos (Unicorn)

Politics Winner:



Kotei Summary:

Crab - 3
Crane - 2
Mantis - 1
Spider - 0
Lion - 1
Phoenix - 1
Scorpion - 3
Unicorn - 9 (2x Case Kiyonaga 2x Aaron Boyhan)
Dragon - 1

Kotei season 2009 / Kotei Weekend 4-5 Kwietnia
« dnia: 2009-04-04, 12:02 »
jak zwykle from AEG:

Kotei: Pretoria, South Africa:

Theme Deck Compitition was won by Marie Wessels, Claiming the Throne (Dragon). She presented the deck list with card choices explained via Haiku and the decklist was caligraphied in green & gold ink.

Our other theme decks where "Resurecting the Khan!" (Spider) and Spunge Bob (Mantis).

We are currently in Top 4 (cut to top 4 after 5 rounds). That is:

Les Allen (Dragon) vs Mark-Anthony Fouche (Unicorn)

Amy Brehm (Lion) vs Bernard Barker (Dragon)

Bernard learnt to play four months ago. Recruiting Magic players FTW.

Unicorn won against Bernard.

Dragon won Politics


A Unicorn shugenja will risk both his sanity & his soul in order to prevent the enemy from laying waste to the ruins of Shiro Chuda in case doing so awakens a greater evil than the army of flame.


The Dragon Clan will entreat the Empress for the right to discover a means by which the ruins of Shiro Chuda can be purified & destroyed.

[OK te winy moga byc naprawde zaje...ste, szczegolnie military]

Kotei: Ottawa, Ontario (Canada):

ok here are the results:


Location: Mucha Province, Dragon Lands

The Shrine to the Fortune of Longevity is a cultural Centerpiece of the Empire, Home to both an incredible Diversity of artwork offered to the shrine by though who come to pray for the Fortune's Blessing, and the site of the Empress' first magisterial appointment years ago. Keen to preserve the city from the ravages of their enemy, one junior officer takes it upon himself to procure several items from Iweko's stay in the village and removing them in the event that the city should fall.

Winner: Unicorn (Aaron Boyhan) - 7 win :)
2nd: Lion (Anthony Lawrence)
3rd: Mantis (Steven Simonatis)
4th: Unicorn (Ken May)


Location: The Imperial Court

Fearful of drawing the wrath of a Fortune for failing to protect his most sacred shrine, the members of the Imperial Court are placated when one of the clans presents to the Empress one of their members, the oldest known person still living in Rokugan, an individual believed to be the blessed of Fukurokujin

Winner: Crane (David Winner)

Clan Breakdown: (total players 42)

Spider: 3
Dragon: 6
Lion: 2
Crab: 7
Phoenix: 4
Unicorn: 8
Mantis: 4
Crane: 3
Hare: 1
Shadowlands Horde: 1
Scorpion: 0 (no this is not a typo :D )

Politics won by Crane

Kotei: Tacoma, Washington:

Tacoma Kotei 78 Players

Clan Breakdown
Crab 8
Crane 11
Dragon 9
Lion 6
Mantis 8
Phoenix 9
Scorpion 11
Spider 7
Unicorn 7
Shadowlands 2
Hare 0

Location: Maryoko Province, Phoenix lands

In a horrifying turn of events, the Army of Fire unexpectedly reaches Kyuden Isawa and lays waste to the most important holding in all the Phoenix lands. The battle is fierce, but ultimately the advantage of surprise is too much, and the Phoenix capital falls. Those who emerge victorious today shall represent the clan that holds off the Army of Fire long enough for the Isawa to retrieve many priceless treasures that will otherwise be destroyed in the conflagration.

Location: The Imperial Court

The fall of Kyuden Isawa is grave news indeed for the Empire, as the Isawa were looked to by many to discover the secrets behind the mysterious Army of Fire and destroy them. As they flee their home, one Great Clan shall open their libraries and resources to them, in hopes that they might still find a means of defeating the Army of Fire.

Political Prize won by Ryan Reid - Spider

TOP 8 to be played on Sunday:

1. Tanuki McFuhao (UN)
2. Chris Cappelletti (PH)
3. Mark Cruickshank (LN)
4. Marcos Tunes (PH)
5. Andrew Ornatov (SP)
6. Tige Saltz (SP)
7. Ket Ng (SP)
8. Case Kiyonaga (CB)

Top 8:
Tanuki McFuhao (UN) vs. Case Kiyonaga (CB) Tanuki McFuhao wins 2-0
Chris Cappelletti (PH) vs. Ket Ng (SP) - currently in Game 1
Mark Cruickshank (LN) vs. Tige Saltz (SP) -> Mark Cruickshank wins 2-1
Marcos Tunes (PH) vs. Andrew Ornatov (SP) -> Marcos Tunes wins 2-0

Top 4
Tanuki McFuhao (UN) vs. Marcos Tunes (PH)
Mark Cruickshank (LN) vs. Ket Ng (SP)

Final Result Tanuki McFuhao aka Leon Phillips (UN) defeats Ket Ng (SP) 2-0

Kotei: Maastricht, Netherlands:

http://www.kyudenholland.com/kotei2009/contact.html nie wiem czemu tak banalny pomysl mnie rozjebal totalnie :D:D

Bartek Chrobak (Unicorn Blitz) - Christian Horstkötter (Mantis EHP-Kill)

Lukas Voglsang (Phoenix Enlightment) - Alex Beckmann (Unicorn Control)

Main event top 4:
1 Lukas Vogelsang, Phoenix, CoT Enlightenment.
2 Bart Chrobak, Unicorn, ToD Shugenjas
3 Alexander Beckman, Unicorn, ToD Control/Dishonor
4 Christian Horstkoetter, Mantis, EHP Killing spree

Political Contest top 4:
1 Vincent Degee, Unicorn
2 Robert Almgren, Dragon
3 Julliane Mittash, Phoenix
4 Hans de Moel, Mantis

Military: The Dark Army of Fire raids a henshin village in the Phoenix lands and a member of the winner's clan fights there heroically and saves the day. [Phoenix]
Political: A relic, an ancient tea set that belonged to Asako once, is gifted to the Asako family. [Unicorn]


Kotei Results:

Crab - 2
Crane - 2
Mantis - 1
Spider - 0
Lion - 1
Phoenix - 1
Scorpion - 2
Unicorn - 8 (2x Case Kiyonaga 2x Aaron Boyhan)
Dragon - 1

Strony: [1] 2 3