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Pokaż wątki - RebelMac

Strony: [1]
Rules / Fire nad AIr
« dnia: 2015-04-22, 13:40 »
Mam pytanie. Czy mogę do decku z Senseiem Koiso (Fire) włożyć kartę, która ma keywordy zarówno Fire jak i Air?

Trading Grounds / Want/have by RebelMac
« dnia: 2014-10-09, 11:47 »

Seeking the Way x2
Way of the Phoenix x3
Imperial Dojo
Wedge x3
Hida Kozan
Daidoji Hiroteru
Jade Ascension
Shiba Tsukimi
Determined Challange x3
School of Wizardry x3
Kiyoshi's Wrath
Words of Consecration x2
Touch of Death x2
The Samurai Castle Divides FOIL
Walking with the Fire
Anonymous Monk
Undone by the Enlightment FOIL
Isawa Kaname x3Tunnel Network x2
Discovering the Anvil of Earth x2(1 FOIL)
Moshi Ikako (FOIL)
Traveling Ronin x3 (1 FOIL)
Arrival of the Ivory Champion
Punishing Blow x2
Susumu Takuan x2 (1 FOIL)
Kitsu Leiko x2
Tsuruchi Yashiro x2
Kitsu Kira
Togashi Yayoi FOIL
Kuni SHinoda
Isawa Akime
Versatile Bladex2
Isawa Genma x2
Air Dragon
Isawa AMihiko x3
Enslaved Djin x3
SNeak Attack x4
The Dragon's Talon FOIL
See the Many Faces
Daigotsy Takahide
Sinful Dreams x2 (1FOIL)
Interrupt the Void's Flow
Ninube Shiho x2 (stare)
A new Alliance x2
Feign Death (stare)
Mirumoto Akifumi
Shrine to HAchiman x3
The Turtle Shell (stary)
Final Ruin x2
Famous Bazaar x3 (1FOIL)
Isawa Ikariyax3
Underminig the Otomo

Strength of the Torrent
Venerable Spirit
Walls of Death
Box of Secrets



Strony: [1]