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Pokaż wątki - Klepek

Strony: 1 2 [3]
Rules / Zamalash
« dnia: 2006-08-23, 15:43 »

Reaction: After a Battle, Limited, or Open action on a Personality with the printed Ratling trait resolves: Once per turn, Zamalash performs a copy of the action, paying all costs.

Pytanie mam do ostatniego wyrazenia "paying all costs" - czy to znaczy ze trzeba zaplacic koszt danej akcji , czy tez Zamalash sam z siebie placi koszt danej akcji.

Przykladowo text Shinbon Pack :
Open: Pay 2 Gold: Search your Dynasty deck, then discard pile, for a Shinbone Warrior. Bring it into play at this location, ignoring costs.

W chwili gdy Zamalash wykona kopie tej akcji to czy musze dodatkowo placic te 2 golda , czy tez Zamalash sam niejako placi koszt tej akcji?

Trading Grounds / Want/have
« dnia: 2006-08-23, 14:15 »

Lotus Edition:

- Ik'krt (exp 1) x 1
- Fist of Osano Wo x 2
- Tower of the Ningyo x 1
- Shrine to Hotei x 1
- Shrine to Bishamon x 1
- Shogun's Armory x 1
- Sound strategy x 1
- Defensive Screen x 1
- Ray of hope x 1


- Ikoma Yasuko x 1
- Ikm'atch-tek x 1
- Wandering Budoka x 1
- Kharmic Confrontation x 1
- Stinnging Insects x 1 (foil)


- Moto Ogedei x 1
- Togashi Matsuo x 1
- Shahai x 1
- Shadow Harrier x 1
- Invincible Legions x 1
- Gozoku Pawn x 1
- False trail x 1

Dawn of the Empire

- Battul x 1
- Eclipse x 3
- Isawa's scrolls x 1
- Ki-Rin's Exodus x 1
- Mountains of Exile x 1
- Standing stones x 3
- The Tao
- Where gods have fallen x 3
- Way of the horse and bow x 3


- Storm rider explorer
- Second doom of the Crane

Drums of War

- Yoritomo Kitao
- Toturi Miyako
- Yoee'trr
- Togashi Mitsu
- Shinsei's Crow
- Unexpected Resources (foil)


-  Hida Avalanche x 7 ( moge wymienic  za niektore R-ki lub kupic ) - PILNE:)!
-  Broad Front x 2
-  Influence from affar x 1
-  Whispered rummors x 1
-  Shinbon Warrior x 2

Strony: 1 2 [3]