

Frontpage refers to the first page you reach when visiting your forum. In SMF that means the board index, but with TP onboard thats only just one of the options you have available. To adjust any setting for the frontpage, find the TPadmin section under "admin" pages and the subsection Settings, and then press on "Frontpage" tab.

  • Allow guests to see news from the... means you can make guests see posts from the boards you have set as "news" board, even if they are closed for guests. Upon entering the actual board they are required to register/login

  • Choose layout for the frontpage gives you several possible layouts for the posts/articles you want to show. The most recent article or post will be on "top" (if you are using "featured" article option then that will be on "top") indicating by the red color. The rest will follow as this:

    • A - normal layout where most recent is on top, other follow right under.
    • B - the top use full width, while the rest is divided among 2 half-the-width columns.
    • C - the top is using one half for itself, the rest is placed in the other half
    • D - The top is using one half , while the second item is using the other half. Then a new row is made and the remaining are divided among 2 columns again.

  • Show forum-posts on frontpage from... is where you set which boards are regarded as "news" boards. You have 5 choices.

  • Number of posts to show on frontpage indicates how many to show on each page. Note that this also is used when showing a category of articles for example.

  • Length of posts to show.. cuts off the posts with set number for a sort of preview option. Link to the full length post is made underneath.

  • What to show on frontpage This is one of the most important setting, it shows what the frontpage will contain. Your options are:

    • Only forum - just recent topics from boards you select
    • Both forum and articles - both topics and also recent articles written, mixed on date.
    • Articles only - just articles
    • Single page - show one artilce, the you have set as "featured"
    • Frontpage blocks - blocks that will only appear here
    • Go directly to forum index - skip the frontpage and go straight to forum

If you want to explore more the features of TP, both as a member and as moderator, be sure to visit our Documentation boards on