Autor Wątek: Wym...  (Przeczytany 836 razy)


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  • Wiadomości: 12
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« dnia: 2008-06-05, 21:00 »
To co chętnie puszcze :

Exchange of Hosteages X3
Immobile Stence X1
Political Interference X1 <foli>
Superior Strategist X1
Eager to Fight X1 <foli>
Failure of Duty X1
Dirty Politics X1
True Strenght X1
Private Whispers X1
Power of Innocence X1
A Matter of Honor X1
Turn of Fortune X1 <fol>
Single Strike Styl X1
Inspiring Speech X1
Strenght in Shadow Styl X2 <1 fol>
Storms Eye Style X1

Utaku Sabre X1
Daimoys Blade X1
Ancestral Sword of the Ki-rin X1 <fol>
Perfect Attunement X1
Barieris Vigil X1 <fol>
Gunso Atshushi X1
Seppun Detachment X1
Gunso Hirobumi X1
Gunso Chitose X1

Hiruma Aya X3
Hida Sozen X1
Hida Kashin X1 <foli>
Hida Fumetsu X1
Hida Diazu X1
Utaku Yu-Pan X1
utaku Etsuko X1
Yogo Ryeko X1 <fol>
Bayush Ryuzaburo X1
Hiromasa X1
Kayomasa X1
Kyoso no Oni X1
Doji Nobuhide X1 <fol>
Doji Masako X1
Tsuruchi Amaya X1
Akodo Bakin X2

City of the Rich Frog X1
Ruins of Otosan Uchi X1 <fol>
Glory Of the Shogun X1 <fol>

To czego potrzebuje :

Knowledge X2
Daigotsu Kempaki X1
Styl Smoka X1

Pajączek,Pajączek bez nóżek i bez rączek :D