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Strony: [1] 2 3 ... 448
Turnieje / Odp: SnM - Gold
« dnia: 2024-10-06, 21:39 »
Gold tournament round 3:

@ThePainUFeel vs @Ronin 1-0
@Togashi Rogi vs @DexterM (UTC + 2) 1-0
@Salguero Guatemala vs @shockaboyob 1-0
@reinoe vs @Isawa Paszek 1-0
@The Mantis Legacy vs @kempy_nezumi 0-1
@Agent006 (GMT -4) vs @HirumaChico 1-0

Turnieje / Odp: SnM - Gold
« dnia: 2024-09-30, 17:26 »
Gold tournament round 2 pairings:

@DexterM (UTC + 2) vs @ThePainUFeel 0-1
@Ronin vs @Salguero Guatemala 1-0
@Togashi Rogi vs @The Mantis Legacy 1-0
@Isawa Paszek vs @kempy_nezumi 1-0
@Agent006 (GMT -4) vs @shockaboyob 0-1
@HirumaChico vs @reinoe 0-1

Turnieje / SnM - Gold
« dnia: 2024-09-24, 08:52 »
Gold  tournament round 1 pairings:

@Isawa Paszek vs @Togashi Rogi 0-1
@ThePainUFeel vs @shockaboyob 1-0
@Ronin vs @reinoe 1-0
@Salguero Guatemala vs @kempy_nezumi 1-0
@HirumaChico vs @DexterM (UTC + 2) 0-1
@The Mantis Legacy vs @Agent006 (GMT -4) 1-0


Clan breakdown:

CB: 3
CN: 2
DG: 2
LN: 1
SC: 2
SH: 1
UN: 1

Turnieje / Odp: SnM - Shattered Empire CRI 2
« dnia: 2024-09-22, 21:40 »
Shattered Empire / CRI  tournament final:

@Togashi Rogi DG vs @Isawa Jim (UTC -7) PX 2-0

Turnieje / Odp: SnM - Shattered Empire CRI 2
« dnia: 2024-09-16, 00:46 »
Shattered Empire / CRI  tournament Top 4:

@Togashi Rogi vs @Bblade317 2-0
@Isawa Jim (UTC -7) vs @ThePainUFeel 2-0

Turnieje / Odp: SnM - Diamond Arc
« dnia: 2024-09-11, 17:11 »
Diamond tournament final:

@Togashi Rogi DG vs @shockaboyob DG 2-1

Turnieje / Odp: SnM - Shattered Empire CRI 2
« dnia: 2024-09-10, 23:39 »
Shattered Empire / CRI tournament round 5 pairings:

@Togashi Rogi vs @ThePainUFeel 1-0
@Isawa Jim (UTC -7) vs @KingAnj 1-0
@Bblade317 vs @Agasha Hinosai (utc-10) 1-0
@Tsuruchi Myobu (she/her) vs @Kitsu Nue 0-1
@Makyu vs @DexterM (UTC + 2) 1-0
@Togashi Nimuro vs @Kitsuki Roji 1-0
@Technogashi (UTC -5) vs @Kakita MarcusOrly (UTC +1) 0-1
@Ronin vs @Spoonfunk (UTC-7) 0-0
@Shougo Amakusa vs @Bradford 0-0


Turnieje / Odp: SnM - Diamond Arc
« dnia: 2024-09-07, 10:20 »
Po swiss:


Top 4:

@Togashi Rogi vs @ThePainUFeel 2-1
@Jackson vs @shockaboyob 0-2

Turnieje / Odp: SnM - Shattered Empire CRI 2
« dnia: 2024-09-03, 23:17 »
Shattered Empire / CRI tournament round 4 pairings:

@Isawa Jim (UTC -7) vs @ThePainUFeel 0-1
@Togashi Rogi vs @Kitsu Nue 1-0
@Kitsuki Roji vs @KingAnj 0-1
@Tsuruchi Myobu (she/her) vs @Bblade317 0-1
@Agasha Hinosai (utc-10) vs @Kakita MarcusOrly (UTC +1) 1-0
@Technogashi (UTC -5) vs @Makyu 0-1
@DexterM (UTC + 2) vs @Ronin 1-0
@Togashi Nimuro vs @Shougo Amakusa 1-0
@Spoonfunk (UTC-7) vs @Bradford 0-0

Turnieje / Odp: SnM - Diamond Arc
« dnia: 2024-09-02, 09:21 »
Diamond tournament round 4 pairings:

@shockaboyob vs @Togashi Rogi 0-1
@Jackson vs @Salguero Guatemala 1-0
@ThePainUFeel vs @PlayCCG (Mike Petke) 1-0
@Ronin vs @kempy_nezumi 0-1
@DexterM (UTC + 2) vs @The Mantis Legacy 0-1
@Bradford vs     * BYE *

Turnieje / Odp: SnM - Shattered Empire CRI 2
« dnia: 2024-08-28, 09:50 »
Shattered Empire / CRI tournament round 3 pairings:

@Togashi Rogi vs @Tsuruchi Myobu (she/her) 1-0
@Isawa Jim (UTC -7) vs @Agasha Hinosai (utc-10) 1-0
@ThePainUFeel vs @Technogashi (UTC -5) 1-0
@Kitsu Nue vs @Kakita MarcusOrly (UTC +1) 1-0
@Makyu vs @Bblade317 0-1
@KingAnj vs @DexterM (UTC + 2) 1-0
@Kitsuki Roji vs @Shougo Amakusa 1-0
@Togashi Nimuro vs @Spoonfunk (UTC-7) 1-0
@Ronin vs @Bradford 1-0

Geisha House / Odp: Deja Vu!
« dnia: 2024-08-25, 19:05 »
Kilka wspominek o Worlds 2006.



"In addition to Faber Van Kraanen's winning deck, the product included a subset of 21 brand new cards (1 to 3 copies each). These were the result of the World Championship held several months previous in Brussels (if memory doesn't fail me). After the tournament Top of Faction were led one after the other into a room staged as the Tomb of Shinsei, unavailable to everybody else and had the chance to colaborate in the final form these cards would take, by claiming them for their faction and matching them with a card type background. "

Tobias Vater
It was very cool down there. But not only the clan champions could enter there. Each clan choose an advisor to their champion during the main event. SL advisor was Hakene with a very passionate speech about Kokujin, his favourite personality. After we entered, not many cards were left, so we choose the scarab box. When we left with it i was asked if i know the clans and stories from Legend of the burning Sands. I heard the name the second time in my life, had no clue what it was about so i obviously said something like "Yes im am totally aware with everything from it". After that clan names were said which i have never heard before and i thought "shit". The only clan name which made some sence to me was "The Jackals" so i choose that. After i went home Hakene sent me a link to the Lotbs wiki with an article about the Jackals (or even the text from it - damn you memory!) and i thought "nice....you couldnt have probably chosen a better clan". I really think, up to this day, that this decision, made out of an uninformed mind, was the birthing our for the "Breeder".
Years later i went for a visit to my friend Faber van Kraanen and was surprised to see another Scarab Box at his place. He then told me, since he was a ratling they asked him which item he wants to steal and he choose the scarab box because he thought it would be a nice deck box. He didnt knew that it was 2cm to thin to hold any L5R cards ^^.
PS: Salman Barakat told me later they opened the Tao at his home with brute force, just to see it was a phone book ^^

Kostas Adamopoulos
I was the top dragon in that event in Brussels, as you correctly remember, and the experience was surreal. We were led through the tomb once to see all the artifacts then one by one, in order of final finish, to pick up our chosen items. I was after the Egg, but the Phoenix claimed it before me. I was so nervous that I didn't even realize that they had hinted about the card type of the pick with the card frame behind it, although I'm not sure it was followed throughout.

Artisan District / Odp: For Fun (bez slow)
« dnia: 2024-08-23, 23:56 »

Turnieje / Odp: SnM - Diamond Arc
« dnia: 2024-08-21, 09:28 »
Diamond tournament round 3 pairings:

@shockaboyob vs @Jackson 1-0
@Togashi Rogi vs @DexterM (UTC + 2) 1-0
@kempy_nezumi vs @ThePainUFeel 0-1
@Salguero Guatemala vs @The Mantis Legacy 1-0
@Bradford vs @PlayCCG (Mike Petke) 0-1
@Ronin vs     * BYE *


Clan breakdown:

CB: 1
CN: 1
DG: 4
LN: 1
PX: 1
SH: 2
UN: 1

Turnieje / Odp: SnM - Shattered Empire CRI 2
« dnia: 2024-08-20, 09:36 »
Shattered Empire / CRI tournament round 2 pairings:

@Bblade317 vs @Isawa Jim (UTC -7) 0-1
@Tsuruchi Myobu (she/her) vs @Kitsuki Roji 1-0
@ThePainUFeel vs @Kakita MarcusOrly (UTC +1) 1-0
@KingAnj vs @Togashi Rogi 0-1
@Agasha Hinosai (utc-10) vs @Shougo Amakusa 1-0
@Bradford vs @DexterM (UTC + 2) 0-1
@Togashi Nimuro vs @Kitsu Nue 0-1
@Technogashi (UTC -5) vs @Spoonfunk (UTC-7) 1-0
@Makyu vs @Ronin 1-0


Clan breakdown:

CB: 1
CN: 2
DG: 4
LN: 4
PX: 2
SC: 2
UN: 3

Geisha House / Odp: Oracle of the Void
« dnia: 2024-08-15, 22:23 »
Taka ciekawostka:

Don Eisele:

"I was a crazy collector...   My price for writing the Oracle originally was to get every card released
Because I was tired of chasing promos"

Turnieje / Odp: SnM - Diamond Arc
« dnia: 2024-08-15, 15:20 »
Diamond tournament round 1 pairings:

@Ronin vs @Togashi Rogi 0-1
@ThePainUFeel vs @The Mantis Legacy 1-0
@PlayCCG (Mike Petke) vs @kempy_nezumi 0-1
@Runninronin vs @Salguero Guatemala 0-1
@shockaboyob vs @DexterM (UTC + 2) 1-0
@Jackson vs @Bradford 1-0

Turnieje / SnM - Shattered Empire CRI 2
« dnia: 2024-08-13, 09:26 »
Shattered Empire / CRI tornament round 1 pairings:

@Togashi Nimuro vs @Isawa Jim (UTC -7) 0-1
@DexterM (UTC + 2) vs @Tsuruchi Myobu (she/her) 0-1
@Ronin vs @Kitsuki Roji 0-1
@Technogashi (UTC -5) vs @Togashi Rogi 0-1
@Makyu vs @Agasha Hinosai (utc-10) 0-1
@Spoonfunk (UTC-7) vs @Bblade317 0-1
@Shougo Amakusa vs @ThePainUFeel 0-1
@KingAnj vs @Kitsu Nue 1-0
@Bradford vs @Kakita MarcusOrly (UTC +1) 0-1

Szykuje się online event na Discord Sun and Moon gdzie będzie tłumaczone sporo rzeczy odnośnie obsługi programu. Jeśli dobrze policzyłem, to będzie 19:00 naszego czasu w niedzielę 1-ego września.

Sun and Moon Discord -> https://discord.gg/XZbknEKXng

"@Isawa Jim is announcing a New and Returning Players Workshop!  This is a free, digital event that everyone is invited to.

The workshop will cover:
- learning the game (Ivory/Twenty Festival rules)
- explaining different formats and editions
- installing/fixing Sun and Moon
- configuring Sun and Moon for older formats or for Onyx Lives!
- playing against new and returning players with pre constructed decks

The event will be held on Sunday, September 1st, 10am PST (GMT -8), so feel free to join us in the Discord Voice channel and have some fun!

Disclaimer - Internet and speakers (audio out) are required to attend. Microphone is optional but highly encouraged."

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