Autor Wątek: SnM - BigDeck  (Przeczytany 1008 razy)


  • Quartz Magistrate
  • eternal Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 9472
  • N /\ M E T /\ K E R
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SnM - BigDeck
« dnia: 2024-05-05, 15:21 »
Po raz pierwszy turniej w BigDeck.


- highlander/singleton czyli maksymalnie jedna kopia każdej karty.
- talie 80 / 80.
- pełna legalnosć (oprócz list banów).
- oparte na mechanice Emperora (stare złoto, zniżka klanowa, stara kawaleria, seppuku jako Open itd.) z kilkoma dodatkami jak możliwość korzystania z oryginalnych BK/BH  i dowolnego printingu ringów.


Sign ups will last until Tuesday 21st May  @ 10PM CET and first round pairings will follow immediately. To register you dont need to announce your deck or clan.

BigDeck legality, so all official physically printed cards legal except those from banlist. Some cards ignore MRP rule (like Rings or Border Keep / Bamboo Harvesters - check rules for expalanation).

Official DEFAULT Sun and Moon database.

Use Tournament Mode and name your games "BigDeck" (in "Tournament Name" field).

One deck for whole tournament. No changes allowed. Notice that in Tournament Mode every deck has its own checksum number visible to TO (Tournament Organizer).

There will be around 7 days for every round to schedule and play game or match.

Swiss phase is played by single game. Play-in, Tops and Final will be in best-of-three. If less than 8 players there will be round-robin phase only. Last official AEG Floor Rules will be used for number of rounds and cuts.

Person that disconnects needs to try to reconnect as fast as it's possible (maximum 2 minutes) or automatically loses that game. Player that is still online should wait at least 2 minutes for reconnection or contact via Discord. If it won't happen, on agreed upon by both players, they may start this game again.

Winner reports result of the game by private message to TO (me).

No results equals double loss (0 points for every player).

Players have up to 3 days after round start to contact their opponent about scheduling a game.

Player that will lose contact (no answers to current opponent or Tournament Organiser about scheduling game) for two rounds in a row will be dropped from event.

All players should check the 'Hide Hand From Spectators' option during tournament games.

All players must check the 'Verbose Chat Log' option in the player options.

All players have to use latest Sun and Moon version and update immediately if it's available.

Some technical tips and reminders:

Here's folder i will fill with some helpful stuff like BigDeck rulebook etc.

you may also download cards images from Google Drive, link is in ⁠welcome-channel

SnM uses Ivory era framework so you must remember about classic phases like Events phase or Discard phase or Cavalry Maneuvers. So turn on "Don't Unbow Card on New turn" and don't use "Unbow and Reveal All" action to reveal all cards at the begining of the turn. Instead follow old Events phase rule - cards are going to be revealed (and resolved in case of Events) one by one, starting from left.

As default Sun and Moon displays most recent printing of every card. To display specific old  printing you have to:

a) manually edit deck list in any text editor and add acronym of expansion that cards come from in brackets like this:
Border Keep - exp (FL)
Bamboo Harvesters (FL)
Ring of Air (Jade)


b)  type a expansion acronym in deckbuilder (Any Set field), search for a card and it will be displayed as card_name (expansion_acronym). Then click it to add it to the deck.

I am aware that SnM database is missing some cards. If you noticed a card that is absent but you want to put it into your deck, please use any other similiar card and inform your opponent about any "proxy" card before game starts. "Proxy" list is also fixed through whole tournament and Tournament Organiser should get such list before first game.

List of banned cards:

Gates of the Second City
Kakita Dueling Academy
Kyuden Hitomi
Kyuden Otomo (exp)
Nanashi Mura
Palace of the Emerald Champion
Razor’s Edge Dojo
The Governor’s Estate
The High House of Light
The Ruins of Isawa Castle
The Shrine of Lady Sun

Gozoku Sensei
Jigoku Sensei
Tomorrow Sensei
Toturi Sensei
Yoma Sensei

The Master of Five

Stone of Remembrance  (TO decision)

Mirumoto Hakahime

Make A Wish (TO decision)

Koan’s Jingasa
Koan’s Robes
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


  • Quartz Magistrate
  • eternal Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 9472
  • N /\ M E T /\ K E R
    • Zobacz profil
Odp: SnM - BigDeck
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 2024-05-25, 20:38 »
Round 1 pairings:

@Togashi Nimuro vs @Isawa Jim (UTC -7) 0-1
@ThePainUFeel vs @kempy_nezumi 1-0
@Runninronin vs @Ronin 1-0
@Salguero Guatemala vs @shockaboyob 0-1
@The Mantis Legacy vs @PlayCCG (Mike Petke) 1-0
@Andrew (UTC-7) vs GOJU1 1-0
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


  • Quartz Magistrate
  • eternal Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 9472
  • N /\ M E T /\ K E R
    • Zobacz profil
Odp: SnM - BigDeck
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 2024-05-28, 20:14 »
Runda 2:

@shockaboyob vs @Isawa Jim (UTC -7) 1-0
@The Mantis Legacy vs @Andrew (UTC-7) 0-1
@ThePainUFeel vs @Runninronin 0-1
@kempy_nezumi vs @Togashi Nimuro 0-1
@PlayCCG (Mike Petke) vs @Ronin 0-1
@GOJU1 vs @Salguero Guatemala 0-1
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


  • Quartz Magistrate
  • eternal Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 9472
  • N /\ M E T /\ K E R
    • Zobacz profil
Odp: SnM - BigDeck
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 2024-05-31, 21:14 »
Clan breakdown:

CB: 1
CN: 2
DG: 3
PX: 2
UL: 2
UN: 1
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


  • Quartz Magistrate
  • eternal Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 9472
  • N /\ M E T /\ K E R
    • Zobacz profil
Odp: SnM - BigDeck
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: 2024-06-03, 17:08 »
Runda 3:

@shockaboyob vs @Andrew (UTC-7) 1-0
@Runninronin vs @Salguero Guatemala 1-0
@Ronin vs @The Mantis Legacy 1-0
@Togashi Nimuro vs @ThePainUFeel 0-1
@Isawa Jim (UTC -7) vs @kempy_nezumi 0-1
@PlayCCG (Mike Petke) vs         * BYE *
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


  • Quartz Magistrate
  • eternal Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 9472
  • N /\ M E T /\ K E R
    • Zobacz profil
Odp: SnM - BigDeck
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: 2024-06-10, 09:04 »
Runda 4:

@Runninronin vs @shockaboyob 0-1
@Ronin vs @Andrew (UTC-7) 1-0
@kempy_nezumi vs @PlayCCG (Mike Petke) 1-0
@The Mantis Legacy vs @Togashi Nimuro 0-1
@Isawa Jim (UTC -7) vs @ThePainUFeel 0-1
@Salguero Guatemala vs        * BYE *
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


  • Quartz Magistrate
  • eternal Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 9472
  • N /\ M E T /\ K E R
    • Zobacz profil
Odp: SnM - BigDeck
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: 2024-06-16, 14:36 »
Po swiss:


Top 4:

@shockaboyob DG vs @RoninCN 0-2
@Runninronin UN vs @ThePainUFeel UL 0-1
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


  • Quartz Magistrate
  • eternal Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 9472
  • N /\ M E T /\ K E R
    • Zobacz profil
Odp: SnM - BigDeck
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: 2024-06-19, 08:50 »
Final of BigDeck tournament:

@Ronin CN vs @ThePainUFeel UL
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


  • Quartz Magistrate
  • eternal Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 9472
  • N /\ M E T /\ K E R
    • Zobacz profil
Odp: SnM - BigDeck
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: 2024-06-24, 09:36 »
Zwycięża @Ronin grający Żurawiem na Embassy of the Crane, pokonując @ThePainUFeel grającego na Lost Traveler Castle 2-1.

Decki będą na Discord.
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe