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Pokaż wątki - Ryoga

Strony: [1]
Torn Asunder / [Strategy] Drain of Effort
« dnia: 2013-01-29, 16:43 »
Drain of Effort Strange Assembly
Open: Until this phase ends or a player has discarded two card from this effect, after each action other than this one resolves. its player discards a card.
Open: Draw a card.
FV: 1

Torn Asunder / [Spell] Witness the Untold
« dnia: 2013-01-29, 16:39 »
Witness the Untold Strange Assembly
GC: 0
Reaction:After your Ring enters play, bow this card: Look at the top three cards of your dynasty or fate deck. Put them back in any order.
FV: 2

Strony: [1]